Camping Saturday


270 to 410 mile rangeRivian truck RT1 $87,000 EPA milage est range 328 miles
Airstream Basecamp REI 20X base weight 2700#, 3500# Gvrw
Sleeps 4, 20 feet starts at $62.400.00


H/T to BC.


1957 Caravan.


1947 Robin Hood





Bear Claw’s rig…



H/T to BC.



Igor’s idea of camping.



Serious off road camping…







15 thoughts on “Camping Saturday

  1. 1 why do they all fall into the 300 mile range, boolchit anyway.

    7 Home away from home. 8 That’s why I have home away from home. 10 Winter heated home away from home.

    12 Better than the beaver, but attracts a lot of beaver.

    • #1 – most average gas trucks can get 300-400 miles per tank (~25 gallon tank, ~15 mpg, 375 miles). So that’s their target. Whether they can do it or not, any weather, any conditions, is debatable. And while they proudly post some outstanding max tow limits, they do not address range WHILE TOWING. I know my gas truck, pulling a 7000 lb camper, drops to almost half the range, but at least I can fill back up in 5 minutes. Let’s see a EV truck do that!

      And yeah, you see one Tesla burning and the fire dept can’t put it out? That’s it for me. Sticking with gas until I die.

  2. I was camping in the Poconos last year and the guy across from me had a similar size trailer. My trailer weighs approximately 12,000. Anyway, when it comes time for him to leave he pulls up with a Rivian, like in pic #1. He had Virginia plates on it. I always wondered just how far he could get pulling a 12K trailer.. He seemed to have no problem pulling it.

  3. #6 – Bucky Fuller approves, but I wouldn’t want to drive it. For one, the rear-wheel steering is dangrous at anything but a crawl.

    #8 – Potential retirement home. Would he sell it, and for how much?

    #16 – Fugly!

    #18 – I want to see him fly it off of there. Must have a very low stall speed.

    • Mr. Mayo, a lot of the bush-plane types do have ridiculously slow stall speeds. That was my thought–do you just get the camper up to speed & lift off?
      Don’t know how you get it back on the rig, but I’ve seen video of some incredible landings, damned near VTOL-looking — flare into a stall & drop it.

      • Since the stall speeds are usually around 10-12 knots they CAN take off from the (moving) camper, pointing them into the wind helps.
        Same for landing, although you have to be GOOD…

  4. #12 “Igor’s idea of camping” – does anybody know how much that thing folds for driving to where you’re going to camp? That ain’t going under bridges and it looks too wide for a regular Interstate car lane. Looks like weighs too much to go off road.

    Looks like it ought to go for about $9 million.

      • Agreed, but it *IS* my idea of Glampimg !!

        Slightly out of my budget – I paid $6K cash for mine and put another 4K into it fixing it back up.

        It gets 4.3 MPG normally, 4.2 when I have the TOAD (towed jeep) on the back. Uphill, downhill, headwind, tailwind, 4.3 – doesn’t matter.
        Oh, yeah, a 97-gallon tank. Runs regular gas.

        • Igor, Cederq posts pics of utes like that Rivian EV and that exotic multi-level gin palace. I’m just wondering if electricity had been invented yet when you two fellas, and Phil, were young bucks? I wonder what sort of rig that Nikola Tesla drive? I don’t imagine that he’d be too impressed with the vehicles running around (if they have a charge) with his name on them.

  5. I wonder how he got the yellow plane off that rack. Reckon he starts the plane’s engine and has his wife hit about 60 and then “hell bent for leather”.???
    Asking for a friend.

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