27 thoughts on “Camping Saturday

  1. Wow did you ever find a variety of campers. Nice.
    Where to parallel park that first one, though. 🙂

    • I’ve got at least half that stuff in my camping collection just from rummage sales. The molded plastic cupholder on the webbed folding chair tells me it’s a millennial hipster douche-knot-with-scented-beard-and-mackinaw staged photo for some retarded outfit like those “bespoke giftbox” companies that are raking in money from those that wish their boomer dad taught them something on their weekend visits after the divorce.

      But that’s just me, a truly original northern swamp retard with a hairlip and thinking problems.

      • Two clues:
        The Bronco is VERY clean.
        The pavement looks more like a roadside rest area than a campground.

        • Even the camping gear looks too clean! The gear I use to throw in the back of my Tempest station wagon was all scuffed and dinged and look well used. When I was younger and couldn’t afford a travel trailer. I now have a trailer, I love my bed and pillow and my potty…

    • Dunno, but I’d call it “Two Frogs Humping”.

      That Airstream mod is also an abomination, but kinda want one. (And pray that there IS only one.)

  2. Picture #4: The truck and camper on the right. That’s my idea of camping.  You can go anywhere a vehicle can take you. You have a hard shell around you in case it rains.  Packing up to move is easy, and there is no damp, wet gear to worry about.  Plus, when you get home, the camper can be taken off the truck, so the truck is available to do other things.

  3. As a kid growing up in the 70’s who went camping most every Summer weekend, it looked to me like a contest of who could make it most like staying home. The ultimate was to have a T.V.

    Such is America.

  4. #7, the 8-Wheel Rig, almost looks like it could have been Amphibious…

    #9, is that a Tractor/Semitrailer type of Rig?

      • Maybe consider in the future numbering the images so we don’t have to count? Add 1), 2), etc just above the images?
        Just a suggestion.

        • I tried looking into that a while ago and I can’t get WP to do that or it isn’t apparent to me in the edit blocks on how to do that numbering. It would make it easier. I have to ask, are we being lazy or don’t know how to count past 5 fingers without getting confused? Just messing with ya Dave…

          • Scrolling while trying to remember the number of an image one wants to comment on is hard. I was told there would be no math. 😉

          • There should be a way to do what’s called an ordered list. Back in the good old days, before WordPress decided to get all fanciful, I would know exactly how to that. I never tried to figure out the “block” editor. Is that what they’re calling it? I don’t remember. For what little bit of stuff I do in WordPress, I always use the classic editor.

  5. Awesome collection, per usual. That last one, probably in my budget, provided I could find the trailer used for cheap.

    Is that Frigidaire unit really a camper?

  6. #4 Hey, there is one of those Winnebago campers here in town. Not quite as pretty as the one in your picture, but it was damned ugly from the day it rolled out of the factory.

    #6 That may have been me a time or two… ah, youth.

  7. #1 is my wife’s idea of Glamping
    #2 is what we did with my Dad.

    I guess I’ll just have to settle for my 34-foot “camper” (complete with ALL the amenities, even the Internet thanks to Starlink)!
    (My wifey unit pointed out there’s no dishwasher, but that’s what paper plates are for!)


  8. My wife showed me this picture. Get one of these and I will go camping with you.
    Just, will it fit under any of the overpasses on the roads you have to go?

  9. None of the double-decker campers would clear the overpasses on any the Interstates and likely any other highway.

  10. Bought time. Cool set mostly Cederq

    1 I would own it, pretty cool, you all are invited.
    2 that’s real camping, every time I cussed how much shit it takes to camp.
    4reminds me of a trip to Yellowstone in Grampa’scamper
    5 Most men
    6 My friend Tony once but he made it further in
    7Female only
    8 wish I coulda
    9 Europeons
    10 Cool but not for me
    11 That crown logo makes you think it’s a Frigidaire
    12 I need one and that copilot
    13 Toget of grid fast
    14 Is that an enema?
    15 Rig the steps to pivot up in place and I’m outta here
    16 Slick but not for me
    17 Hold my beer bubba, I can make it between the poles
    18 Horse trailer conversion does it come with the aroma?
    19 So many nicer places than boogers rock
    20 Hippies

    • Claw, Imagine trying to park #12, the semitruck at a small RV park? #13, low headroom, and why do you need dual shocks at each wheel and then pull it with a yuppie mom SUV?

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