Camping Saturday

1969 Econoline
1940 Aerolux Teardrop
1970 F-900
1994 Isuzu Elf MH
1991 RB44 Overland
Turtle Expedition F-550
1961 Showman

10 thoughts on “Camping Saturday

  1. Vintage, excellent. It’s what’s for dinner.

    That 50 footer would be nice but difficult.

  2. The pair of woodies, #1, is a real beaut!

    Does the chick come with the model of the Winnie?

    The ’61 Showman is pretty wild! Does the forward wheel articulate? Retract?

    • The 61 Showman, I blew up before posting and the front wheels seem to be in a box structure just below the main body and I would surmise a dolly system, a 5th wheel for the wheel dolly to articulate the body and a pintle hitch or a ball hitch to the vehicle towing it.

      • That would make sense, it’s cheaper and mechanically more sound than a retraction system.

        I *did* note that the front wheels were very close to the hitch. If I’d spent more’n two seconds thinking about it, I would have realized that this was the case. I’m slow today.

  3. Damn! I was gonna call dibs on No. ! but Igor beat me to it!!!

    How would it be to look after those? Up here in Canada that wood would be a nightmare, wouldn’t it? With all the salt, snow, and slush…?

  4. The B&W Pics of folks out Tent Camping are amazing… although I don’t think that the American in # 6 is exactly “Camping”.

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