12 thoughts on “Camping Saturday

  1. I’d like to have that rust free Bump Side box.
    I have a better use for it.

    Whitehall, NY

  2. Lots of cool ones but number two would be a hell of a rig to own.

  3. Nice selection, for sure. I’ve gotta agree w/Chris, that Heli-Camper would be THE ultimate backcountry rig. I want one.

  4. Re: the Sikorsky…

    Not only is it the cost, but it’s also the UPKEEP!!

    Rent a SkyCrane and drop a camping container somewhere. Cheaper…

  5. Sure would like to have the flying camper. Did the Pop Mech writer “predict” we’d have this by now….just like I’m still frikkin waiting for my George Jetson flying car that folds into a small briefcase.

  6. Boy Scouts…… The entire time I was in Scouts, we NEVER went anywhere you could wear shorts. The bugs were always horrible – one excursion the horseflies attacked our group. The scout leader sacrificed himself, and we watched in horror as the bugs gang raped him before taking his wallet.

  7. #18 shows a 1937 Lincoln Zephyr. The grills were a tad different than the Fords, and the headlights were farther apart on the Lincolns for some reason.
    #20 needed to check his mirrors. I doubt the slideouts would last very long goin g down the highway.

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