10 thoughts on “By golly, it does!

    • No, no, they are PSYCHOPATHIC. You can influence a sociopath. You have to kill psychopaths.

  1. “Psychopathic genocidal oligarchy”.
    Man, that’s an awful lot of characters for a three-letter word.

  2. however, or whatever you want to call them. anyone that wants to run your life
    just because they think they know better you. is someone that should be dragged out into the street and shot in the face on live TV.
    I thinking if we did that a bit more often, we wouldn’t have assholes like we do now.
    granted, I might be wrong about this. but what do we have to lose at this point ?
    as my MOM used tell us kids. everyone has the right to say NO.
    then too, MOM kept her 38 Smith handy at all times too.

  3. Then there’s this lying cunt who the voters of Massholia are more than happy to keep sending to the Senate so that she can vote for more legislation to take the few things you have left. You know, the 1/1024th Cherokee, Liawatha who has grifted her way through life claiming Native American heritage. She developed psychopathy as a teenager reinforced by her mother and grandmother or maybe she was just born with it.

    As an aside, I am continually amazed that a meme from one web site dovetails nicely with an article on another site ON THE SAME DAY.


    • Sadly, she’s from Oklahoma but thankful she left years ago, probably knew she’d be removed from a list.

      • but she still on the list of people that need to be put against the wall and shot.
        you know it is kind of funny in a way. years ago I would tell people that if old Vlad dropped a nuke on DC , he would be doing us a solid. back a few years ago, people just looked at me. but in the last few years, more people tend to agree with the idea. this country has been slammed by some of the worse shit and those assholes in DC want to GIVE another 500 million to the UKE bastard ?
        honest to God, I don’t understand how we stand for this shit anymore.

        • Damn you Jimmy Carter, for stopping the development of the neutron bomb. With it, we could have nuked DC without damaging the museums.

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