
I worked 11 and 1/2 last night and was on my feet climbing on shit all night. I got no sleep because both legs were hurting bad all night.

At 4 this morning I finally couldn’t take and got up and took some pain relief. Of course that takes a while to start working and I think I finally nodded off about 6 this morning so I am running on fumes.

I also somehow managed to break my fucking phone while thrashing on a machine. I got up early (for me), slammed half a cup of coffee and drove down to get a new phone. I got there about 10 after 10, only to find out this particular store doesn’t open until 11. Came back home, threw down some breakfast and the usual dozen fucking pills and am getting ready to head back down there and then straight to work from there.

Ain’t no rest for the wicked and I’m beginning to think I was Atilla The Hun in a previous life.

I’ll see how I feel when I get home tonight but I already know it’s going to be a long day.

2 thoughts on “Busy

  1. That’s a real bitch, and I can sympathize. I have a chronic pain issue my right leg due to an old injury. Nothing like you are dealing with in terms of severity, but enough that after working all day it can be pretty damned uncomfortable, and definitely makes it difficult to sleep at times. It’s been pretty bad the last few days due to the particular jobs I’ve done (I’m a plumber) involving a lot of lifting and running stairs.

  2. Phil- I grew up doing millwright work. Climbing around on dangerous shit that was never intended for humans. I dont see how you keep plugging away.

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