6 thoughts on “Buckle Up Buttercups

  1. I get the same shit-eating grin when I hear the unblooded whine about how they think things may be coming to a tipping point…

  2. I sure do hope you are correct about the going to be gauged by it.
    I have a lot of pop corn to munch on.

  3. Our town has under 500 people; we have had 8 deaths in the last 2 months, that’s very high for us. Now one of them was a 106 year old lady; but all the others have been under 60 men from heart attacks and strokes.

  4. well, the “left” has never given up power after getting it. and right now we have the most leftist group of assholes ever in power. one big problem for them. we outnumber
    them by a lot. but with fear, they can keep control if they do it right.
    besides, there are a lot of people here that will believe ANYTHING, the TV clowns
    tell them. like the virus bullshit. or how the world lost it’s mind over a cold.
    I used to think people where smarter than that. I found out that I was really wrong on that score. most people are stupid. and in a mass, really stupid!
    so, we a slimly bastard as Pres. who is getting backed into a corner for the shit he has gotten away with for years !. his really leftist clowns that want green bullshit and windmills to power the country- not going to happen. unless you like living like it 1870 again. besides the power grid is a mess that needs a lot of work
    to get right again. the schools have made the kids stupid for the last 40 some years- that is a real problem ! we don’t make things/stuff here- another big problem. we import almost everything these days- not good at all.
    and they have printed the hell out the dollar. no one wants to buy the bonds anymore- gee, I wonder why ? it like reliving the 1920’s Weimar republic again.
    and they want to start a war with Russia- really stupid !!! or Iran again , stupid.
    so, other than all of that, what’s the problem ?
    and more people are buying guns and ammo like never before too.
    they might not have anything to eat, but they will have weapons and ammo
    what could go wrong ? oh, they also are trying to remove the white race.
    gee, did I forget anything there?
    the big problem is the media. they will have to go. we no longer have a free press here. it is owned by what 6 groups at best. and those bastards are on the side of the left assholes.

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