Bought And Paid For By The International Banking Cartels

If you have been inundated with images and news stories about Muh Israel, you need to ask yourself this question,

In two days, how much have you seen of the war on Israel compared to the last year and a half of the war in Ukraine?

Biden gave 6 Billion dollars to Iran and a week later here we are. Hamas is using American made weapons they got from Ukraine and Afghanistan.

Because Ukraine is pretty much done for, the U.S. Bankruptcy that is being actively pursued must be kept hidden and all attention to the machinations of the destruction of this country, the scandals and criminality must be diverted by manufactured war in other countries.

For Now.

Rest assured that what is happening in Israel right now is coming to this country right on time, as planned.

It is no coincidence that the majority of most of the millions of illegal aliens waltzing across our wide open border are fighting age males, many of them foreign trained military fighters.

You do not have enough ammo, preparations and tactically trained friends in your personal circle for what is coming.

I know I sure as shit don’t.

26 thoughts on “Bought And Paid For By The International Banking Cartels

  1. The closer you live to society the more dangerous your life will be in the near future.

    • i hate to say it folks, but stock up on beans, bullets and band-aids. this will not end well with what’s going on in europe, asia and now the middle east. all it will take is just one tactical low yield nuke or dirty bomb somewhere and it will escalate world wide. get your shit together because it’s coming. with brandon, his handlers and with the upcoming 2024 elections on the table someone, somewhere will make sure of that just to sit back and laugh at the end of modern civilization as we know it. they have been planning this for years. good luck all

  2. Both sides have been indescriminately killing each other for decades.

    Worth the read:

    Ends with good 10 minute video on the history of Israel and Palestine.

    Do. Not. Believe. The. Media.

    You are being lied to (again).

    They need another WAR now that Ukraine is basically spent. Israel now has an excuse to scorch earth Gaza and attack Iran.

    Do you really believe 2,000 rockets made it past the most advanced air defense systems in the world(Iron Dome)?
    Or that so many Hamas fighters were able to assemble without being detected by one of the best surveillance systems on the planet?
    That is, without any help?
    Theatre, so bad they keep using the same old lines.

    After all that we’ve uncovered over the last few years, do you really believe the media has suddenly started to tell the truth?

    • Decades, hell centuries.

      What’s funny supposedly 700 or 800 dead now and I have yet to see one video or photo of a body. Hell there probably is six million total

  3. I think the timing had three parts. 1) the money that went to Iran funded this; 2) the weapons left in Afghanistan are being used; and 3) all of the NATO countries, included the US, have publicly stated that they are tapped out because they’ve sent everything to Ukraine.

    • Midwest Chick,
      yup, it’s all part of the plan. mass extermination. the covid thing didn’t work out like they hoped so they have gone to plan B. with our borders being wide open for the last few years, who knows how many terrorist operatives we have in our country now. not to mention what has been shipped into our country on container ships, sitting in warehouses across our country now. am i paranoid? am i worried about our country and my family? your damn right.

  4. > You do not have enough ammo, preparations and tactically trained friends in your personal circle for what is coming.

    Nope, sure don’t. Just checked some old files – it’s been 10 years since I started trying to get organized with a few like-minded people. That was a big fizzle. Derailed by various little issues. Now, particularly after the covid BS, especially the financial impact, I’ve gotten tired of reading about how I should move someplace else, because where I live sucks. Sure, bud, soon as the gooney bird shows up with a few suitcases of money. I’m older and a lot more tired than I was back then, and even at my best, nobody would ever mistake me for Max Velocity.

    Don’t matter where you live anyway. Sooner or later, it’s gonna be at your front porch.

  5. “You do not have enough ammo, preparations and tactically trained friends in your personal circle for what is coming.”

    Perhaps you don’t. I have all of the above. Never enough, it is true, but a lot. Likely enough to START.

    And I am separated by distance from the more urban segments of our society….which gives me time.

    • yeah, where I am at. it is the same thing. closest large city is 45 minutes away at 60 mph and downhill. and I have enough “stuff”
      to last me a while. figured the dollar was dropping anyway, so why not put what “spare cash” I had into “stuff” that keeps its value.
      now if I knew ammo was going to go up the way it has, I would have bought by the skid load !
      still I have enough to last a while and the fixins to reload another 4-6 k worth stashed away. even have a few “loaner” weapons if need be for friends who make it here.

  6. Ho hum.

    So much of this, especially the comments on the blogs, looks like copy & paste from any time over the last twenty years.
    I’ll jump to the dance when y’all look substantively different than ducks in a shooting gallery.

    IOW, if its so bad, coming to your AO, you’re next, and so on, why aren’t you taking to the offense? Just that millions of fighting age males invading your country should be sufficient to mobilize, right?

    • Boom.

      It’s because the vast majority of the people constantly spouting this ‘Chicken-Little-Sky-is-falling’ crap, day in and day out, are full of shit. Right to their back fucking teeth…and they damn well know it.

      • You can’t possibly be this clueless.
        Can you?

        Ever heard of J6?
        Connect the dots.
        Never mind, you’re clueless.

  7. I’d leave my place as it’s hard to manage my acreage as i age, 70 isn’t a picnic. However, I won’t leave my distance from the urban zone, friendly terrain and fields of fire just yet. Bad mojo coming I’m afraid.

  8. Now you know why the Democrat party has been trying to disarm American citizens for the last thirty years.

  9. Get some black berkey filter elements, put em in a 5 gallon plastic bucket. Expensive suckers, but they will clean your water. Whether on grid off grid or civil war clean water is a must. Lowes and home depot carry charcoal filters. Buy some for your water. Don’t screw around with dirty water it will kill you dead.

    • Berkey water filtration systems and all of their filters are sold out and have been for awhile.

  10. Water is a key resource. #1 cause of death is missing shelter. Some way to have mobile shelter is not to be over looked. Portable water filters are a must. Local knowledge of edible plants is good. Also which plants fall into the old apothecary are good to know. Old scouting hand book has a lot of usable knowledge in it.

    Getting close to the time we need to be able to do. Late in the cycle for training. But getting some if you have none will be better now than not.

  11. Just think……
    A 100% Complete and Total FAILURE…
    of Every Israeli Military Intelligence and “Govt” Intelligence Machines. And Radar and Radio.
    And the entire Military ground meat.

    1000’s of fighters gathered and armed.
    Thousands of Rockets, gathered and prepped
    Hahaha, Paraglider Commando’s. Ya don’t pull that out yer ass!
    Bulldozer breeches of there border.
    Explosive breeches…
    All the prep!

    Yesterday No One had Intel.
    Now They ALL have Everything. Especially the Yid Media in New Yawk Shitty.
    Who, What, When, Where, Why……

    This is about Iran. Period.
    And was from the first rocket.

    Hopefully they Genocide each other. Fuck ’em all

    We are close now to the curtain goin up and the Band goin on.

    We bein played nigguhs. We bein played.

  12. started stocking up on “stuff” back when blowjob willy was in office. never stopped.
    a lot of people might not remember this, but Billy boy was the first to start downsizing the military. the money went to ,,, welfare !!!!
    anyway, you might as well pull funds out of whatever and buy “stuff” now.
    it seems like we are getting real close to “go time” here soon.
    and yes, water filters are a must have item. along with about a thousand other things you going to want/need.
    and I don’t buy this latest “attack”. the cost and planning alone staggers the mind. and then getting 500 or more Arabs to work together ? and them not spilling the beans about it ? yeah, right. it stinks to high hell. even money says it was a outside OP. planned and paid for by who ?
    as always , follow the money behind this.

  13. Hamas was created by the Mossad to oppose the PLO.
    “Israel has our 9-11 event” Netanyahu.

    Ukraine is done. This is the new battlefront, as easy as going from Eurasia to Oceania.
    Perpetual WAR. Ignorance is strength!

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