Holy shit.

Watch this a few times, the gray car coming towards the camera even had the air bags go off.


Blew every fucking window out of the place. I still can’t believe the people in those cars right next to the blast didn’t get killed outright. Probable blew their eardrums out.

31 thoughts on “BOOM!

    • Bureaucrats………human beings……..whose English is better than yours! You’re typing words into a giant spell-checker, ffs!

      • I’ve seen better bait in the bottom of a worm bucket that’s been sitting out in the sun for a week.
        You better up your game there son.
        So far I’m not impressed.

      • So comforting to know the spelling police are on duty. Whatever would we do without an orthography specialist around. /sarc
        Bless your heart!

  1. No mention of the innocents being killed in missile strikes across the country by Trumps bff Vladimir Pitler? Or the daily horrors being commited in Ukraine everyday that are driving up your blessed fuel prices?

    Nope, but dayum, we lookin’ et dem der cars! Can’t be Fords, I’ma guessin’!

    Priorities, people, priorities. People ARE the priority, not cars.

    Hope you’re praying for those Ukrainians. Although I’m betting they’d prefer ACTUAL, REAL help, like first aid packs, defibrilators, burns kits, food, drinking water, insulin, even just a good nights sleep for their kids.

    The Ukrainians are the only ones likely to show China that it’s not worth trying to take Taiwan, then the South China Sea, Europe then America (can’t win a war without Europe, can you?)

    For all our sakes, I hope our leaders grow some balls and implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine and introduce a safe corridor for humanitarian aid. But then, compassion for innocents is more Jesus’ thing, ain’t it? Oh, wait…..ain’t most of you claiming to be the faithful? Not much evidence of it here. The shame……

    • I never claimed to be faithful. It isn’t our duty to provide food, medical supplies or guarantee anybody a good nights rest. We will this time take care of our own. I don’t ever recall britain or ukraine or a myriad other countries offer us aid when we had our disasters. I can forgive some things, but never will forget how we are treated. So suck it up oldturdtoosoon. No sympathies for your lot, or ukraine, or Russia for that matter, it isn’t our affair and we were warned a long time ago not to get into foreign entanglements. Let them sort it out on their own.

    • Where were you the last eight years while civilians were being killed by the Ukrainian army in Donbas ?? 13,000 people in 8 years. Genocide. And not one peep from you liberal scum. If China does move on Taiwan, there’s not a damn thing your hero, Puddin’ Head Joe or the Cacklin’ Ho can do to stop them. So, while this plays out in Europe, just sit down and stfu. Children should be seen and not heard.

      • Or any of the HUNDREDS of conflicts tearing Africa apart since forever, or Pakistan or Syria over the last 12 years or Venezuela or Peru or Mexico blowing up???

        You’re only outraged about this war because you been told to be.


      • Bingo Chuck. Most people don’t know this. Putin was pissed that krain puppet goober mint would not enforce the Minsk agreement after 2013

    • And as usual they are getting their asses handed to them for their trouble.

  2. Congratulations on hitting the Big Time and getting Trolls Phil! Thank you for doing Great work!

  3. You wouldn’t recognize honesty if it came marching down Main Street wearing a clown suit accompanied by a brass band, bitch

  4. ExMil here with lots of ordinance experience. That was a car bomb. You can see the slow-moving vehicle that detonated. Also note the lack of fragmentation pitting on the building walls, but lots of black scorching. The color of the fireball and dispersal pattern also gives you a clue to the makeup of the ordinance. Sorry, more “wag the dog” special effects. I’ve been studying every video of detonations from “in-theater”. Almost all are fake. The recent TV tower blast was classic special effects.

    • Oh really? Then please explain that curious streak towards the epicenter of the explosion… Sure looks like a missile to me.
      Note that in the aftermath picture the camera angle is such that you can’t see the crater clearly. And a lot of trees sure got leveled quickly…

    • Well put, Igor.

      Says a lot about the American Military that one of their (former) own can mistake a missile strike for a car bomb! Stills from the footage CLEARLY show the incoming missile. But if it’s not on TFH-TV (Tin-Foil-Hat-TV), it ain’t true, I’m guessing?

      • Guess all ya want to, OldTurdSoon. To err is human. You ain’t human?
        Ah, there’s the problem… Head up Ass Syndrome…

  5. A lot more debris in the second picture, me thinks from 2013 not Jan 3, 2022

  6. Been Around, I havn’t been anywhere much, and don’t have any knowledge that you profess to have, but it’s curious that you can’t spell *ordnance*. Of course, you could be the victim of a spell-checker programme, I’d like one of those.

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