My Saturday Surprise
Jeez, I got woke up this morning after five hours of sleep by the kid and him babbling something about a “cat situation”
Trust me when I say I wasn’t a happy camper but I drug my ass out of bed, grabbed some coffee and my smokes and headed out to the garage to finish waking up.
That’s when I found out what he was babbling about.
It seems we have three kittens under the house and they had wandered into the garage via a hole in the wall behind the washing machine.
Damn they are cute little buggers.
Two of them are Maine Coons, bigger than shit.
They have the big “M” on their foreheads but they don’t have the tufts of hair on their ears.

There is no mistaking the markings though.
That would explain the strange cat I found in the garage last week, obviously Momma Kitty.
They are at least a month old and not a bit afraid of people. The wife says we can’t keep any because we already have two cats.
However, one of them is fifteen years old and I want the runt.
She laid in my lap like she had been there her whole life and took a little nap.
We may be getting a new cat anyway, wifey.
If there is one thing I am a sucker for, it is cute little kittens.
at May 18, 2013
Little kittens are the Debbo sir, but they also bring a lot of smiles and laugh out louds with their antics. I’ve been a long time admirer of that particular breed (almost like having your own personal bobcat) and getting one for free is way cool. Especially when the cat ‘picks you out’.
I hope the two you already have play nice with the new one. Before long, she will outweigh – outfight them. A good friend or a bad enemy.
jrg, the post was from Vulgar Curmudgeon, Phil’s old Blogger site, which we keep updated for a backup site is from May 18, 2013.
Oh damn me – it was a replay of old times. I am an idiot !
I hadn’t put the date in the header and I since have corrected that… You are in the company of idiots and gearheads.
We’ll keep you “honest”, Cederq. At least, as honest as we can. Lotsa leeway there.
Wife and i have four, all related (long story involving in-laws and out-laws) but i’d probably keep one of those kittens too. Yeah, i flunked out of Suckers Anonymous too.
We got two new ones, one’s a Calico (girl) and the other is a totally black one. Hard to believe they’re brother and sister!
Calico (Name: Chris P Critter) went to daughter that lives about two miles away, we got the black one (named Toothless (re: How to Train Your Dragon but I call him Inkydink).
Two very old cats and a new ZOOMIE cat in the household – things get interesting late at night!!
If the cat adopts you, it’s a keeper!
Of course, it doesn’t help when your 6’2″ husband turns them big ol’ brown-eyes on you and gives you the 5-year old, “Can we keep it, Mommy?” look, either. While he’s snuggling the little ball of fur just inside his coat.
Did his tufts grow out?
Kittens and babies….are cute for a reason. So we will go “awww” and get suckered into taking care of them.
had a cat pick me a few years ago. back in philly when I had my garden there.
used to come home from work grab a beer and sit looking at it to relax like.
well, this cat came up to me with a dead mouse. I figured WTF and got him one of those packs of tuna for his efforts. he sat and finish it off. I dump the mouse in a trash can. about 3-4 days later, I walk out back and there are 4 dead mice lined up in front of my chair. cat showed up about 30 minutes later. I gave him a can of tuna.
the boy doing a good job ! he gets done and gone again.
about 5-6 days after that, it is raining and like crap outside. cat is at the door making a racket. I drag his ass in and take the wet cat upstairs and drop him on the wife. there, you now have a cat. goofy is still here after 14 years now.
yes, he is a goofy cat too. he will eat nuts (?) steals them when you not looking.
wife gets pissed when I call him puppy. he will come to me when I do that and sits in front of me too. weird. I am not what you would call a cat guy either.
dogs, hell yes ! but cats ? he not bad overall.
and we have about 10 outside cats here now. two of them are okay with you petting them. what we do not have is mice, birds or squirrels around here.
my neighbor live 1/2 acre over from me. he has lots of mice problems.
squirrels get into his house and other shit we don’t have to deal with.
2-3 bags of cat food a month is worth it.
10 years ago we had 4, then a stray wandered in and a couple weeks later we had 10. In 1 house. Turned out it was pregnant. After a couple months we found homes for some. Now, we’re down to 2 and my wifes been talking about getting a new “kitty”.
so did you keep the one, phil??
I’m guessing yes and now now it’s a 10 year old fat cat still having its way with you!!
Don’t feel bad Phil, I am a sucker for cats as well. I have a 14 year old Norwegian Forest Cat named Frank the Tank that I hold in higher esteem than 90% of the people I know. That cat helped me get through some pretty bleak days after returning home from overseas.
Maine Coon’s are a really awesome breed of cat…intelligent hunters and very tough. Definitely keep them if you can! 😻