16 thoughts on “Blasphemy!

  1. I don’t get the fascination with grits. I tried some once over 50 years ago at a Navy mess hall. I was glad that I only took half a serving spoon full.

    That stuff is nasty. Even putting sugar in it and mixing it in thoroughly didn’t make it appealing.

    I’d rather eat creamed cauliflower, which I despise, than eat grits.

    • “I tried some once over 50 years ago at a Navy mess hall.”

      Well there’s your problem!
      Get a bag of Weisenberger grits from amazon. Pour some into a saucepan with water. Give a stir and let settle for a few minutes then skim off what floats. Cook from there adding salt, pepper to taste. When finished you can add a little butter or some heavy cream or cheese.

  2. Just got 5lbs of the best grits made, Charleston Gold. Gonna have a batch Saturday morning then put the rest in a sheet pan & chill in the fridge. Cut in squares & lightly fry & have them as a side for fried quail & maybe some fried green tomatoes.

  3. Navy bootcamp early 80s and everyone was putting butter and maple syrup on the grits. I tried it and thought it was pretty good. Oh well.

  4. Okay, guys, were you eating mush or grits?  There is a difference. Mush is nothing but ground field corn, and proper grits have been through the nixtamalization process.

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