11 thoughts on “Big Country Updates The Home FLAMMENWERFER Build Instructions

  1. that looks like fun. way too wooded around here for one though.
    unless one could make something like that attached to the house say.
    like something to stop a home invasion or something.
    I thinking that a fougasse weapon might be a better idea really.
    say something like a coffee can with 1/4 pound of black powder as a charge
    with 1/2 gallon of thicken fuel on top of it. electric fired of course.
    just saying, of course. although we did make things like this back in the army back in the day. use to add M-60 links and chopped c-rat cans to the fuel at it got thick.
    back then, it was a 2 pound block of C-4 and a willy pete wrapped with det cord.
    old t shirts/paper whatever as a wad and pour the thick goo on top.
    they worked very well back then. I wonder if they even teach things like that anymore ?

  2. So that is how you get rid of dead grass… Ya sterilize the grounds!

    I have to wonder if his neighbors are use to his antics and demonstrations? The cops show up 2 minutes after the flamenwerfer.

    • I really doubt that. as noted, everything cops wear burns and they know it. now a hour or two afterwards, yeah.
      and as he has said before, the cops KNOW him.
      and they tend to “play nice” when they do come a calling.
      now most cops are the brightest bulbs around, but that are not that stupid as a rule. then again, you will find one here and there that are
      “beyond stupid” as my dad used to say. again, I find it funny as hell that people think the cops are going to save them. yeah, right.
      remember 1992 ? the LA riots ? the cops hauled ass faster than
      anyone else there. so, what makes people think they going to do anything different when the riots come this time around ?
      and they didn’t fuck with the roof top Koreans either until they had the nasty guard backing them up too. funny that, now isn’t it?

  3. Drilling holes in the sides of pressure vessels is a stupid idea.

    I’d expect that aluminum tank to crack catastrophically pretty quickly after a few pressurization cycles.
    BCE is crazy, and doesn’t understand a lot of stuff.

    be careful following his build instructions.

  4. Here was I expecting some gag about CederQ eating a whole crate of baked beans and hot chilies. Well that is still possible.

  5. [I just came off twenty twelves without a day off, I am quite groggy]
    a — The war in the Ukraine is a grift for our Honorable members of congress and their PuppetMasters.
    b — The last scam-demic was a grift for oHmoc and their PuppetMasters.
    c — The American invasions of Iraq et al for two centuries were grifts for the oHmoc and their PuppetMasters.
    Everything we know about New York bankers and/or the oHmoc/RulingParasites — they are entertained by grifts and scams, they are unlikely to quit.
    Accordingly, I think their proposed:
    * global epidemic ‘Disease X’ will divert trillions of tax-dollars straight into the wallets of the usuals.
    * war against Iranian people… another grift, another few trillion, misplaced.
    * Re-built Hoover Dam… another several trillion tax-dollars, gone.
    * Fiddle with the electrical grid, hundreds of trillions of tax-dollars…
    …etcetera etcetera etcetera.

  6. If I didn’t know any better, I’d probably be worried about a few idiots out there actually trying this and burning themselves, and/or possibly their homes and pets to a crisp.

    Honestly though, it’s just one more thing that’ll sit in your closet and gather dust (and probably pose a fire hazard) while the entire western world further transforms to a banana republic.

  7. 1) Neighbors: They’re ALL used to it now. They’re also used to seeing the cops here on the Regular, especially when DC was pulling her shenanigans (tried to have me SWATted a few times)
    2) Cops: They’re well aware of the “lunatic Veteran” who lives at this addy. The ones who’ve been in the house, to include CPS admire the whole ‘war museum motif’ I got going on. They tend to be very polite.
    3) Pressure vessel, drilling that thereof: The tanks original specs have a pressure testing failure point of 837 psi. Even FULLY pressurized, I get maybe 45 psi at most. In fact the pressure is fairly low as the Chinesium Pressure Washer Wand I have doesn’t and hasn’t lost it’s integrity. I worry more about that than the tank rupturing. I’ve filled/used the Werfer about 50 times in the past few years, and no issues.

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