
You guys crack me up.

So talking to CederQ a bit earlier, I find out more than one of you freaked out over the picture I posted when I was letting him know I was keeping an eye on him, asking if I had cancer.


I know I ain’t purdy but gimme a fucking break!

Obviously those honkin’ big glasses hanging off my broken nose fucked you all up!

So here, no glasses and I couldn’t hardly see to take the fucking picture.

All better now?

15 thoughts on “Better?

  1. Sorry, man.

    Mother nature broke the UGLY STICK on ya, with or without the glasses…

    Welcome to my world.

  2. I didn’t have any problems with the first picture. I thought the optical distortion caused by your glasses was amusing.

  3. Without going on a rant, how is this a concern for them? how are you supposed to look? like a fucking nyc fucking fashion model? you are who you are, and if someone thinks you look old, they can shut up about it.

  4. WTF? Somewhere someone switched your handsome portraits for snaps of some skinny old bloke! Trolls again, I suppose . . .

  5. Anyone still alive after 60 or so years here in the fusa more than likely has three or four types of cancer stirring within them but it stays mostly under control of the immune system . It is only when that same immune system fails that the cancers are then going to kill us . Pollution , chemicals from manufacturing , normal radiation from the sun , etc contribute to the final immune failure . And now we have the WEF and new world order vaxxing us to death . My old dead dad always used to tell me two things . Your never getting out of here alive and it’s a free country if you’re a millionaire boy ! His favorite saying was ” Golden years my ass ” !

  6. it is kind of weird how some people have this idea of what you should look like
    from what they read here. kind of like thinking all big guys are like rambo or some shit. life not like that at all. although, you do look like you had a couple of fun weekends between a couple of rough years. about 15 years ago, I got to met this little guy who climbed up the cliffs on D-day a long time ago.
    he was like 5 foot nothing, maybe 100 plus pounds at best. carried a broken down
    version of the fighting knife used back then. NOT ONE of the clowns in the area would fuck with him. he even hold out his money and tell them to came and take it. he would just smile his crooked little smile and egg them on.
    not one of the brothers would go near him.
    like they say, or used too, never judge a book by it’s cover.
    I would say you have had a few good laughs over the years with a lot of bullshit and some pain. but what do I know about anything ?
    on a side note. the truck engine is free after soaking in diesel for a month.
    we see how it goes, but it looking good so far !
    a whole better than paying a couple of grand for a rebuilt or used one. that’s for sure.

    • Glad to hear the engine broke loose. Ya just gotta let it sit and do it’s thing.
      I could write a book about all the shit I’ve seen and done. It would be a thick one too.

  7. The problem is you failed to follow the rules for taking “selfies”. Yes there are rules and guidelines, not to mention all the filters available. Old farts (myself included) don’t know or care to know.

  8. That first pic scared me and hell, I ain’t afraid of nuthin’! The birth control glasses seem to belong, though.

  9. …you handsome devil, you! ;P

    If somebody cares more about looks than the person itself, they are shallow, vapid, craven, and (in short) probably a Democrat voter. Or worse, a RINO in office. For example. Cheney, Romney, Pretty Boy Newsome, etc. Target rich environment!

    Change my mind.

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