12 thoughts on “Been close a few times…

  1. Gotta love the etymology of that word. Hyster is Greek for uterus/womb. Make of that what you will.

    • Greg, in the Behavioral and Psychiatric world that is a given… Why the word was pinned. Women were known to become what eventually would be described as “hysterical” they use to blame the uterus for this malady as they early doctors and snake oil salesmen thought this was the cause of woman’s suffering.

      • But women always tell us that the cause of their long suffering is men themselves. Does that mean a woman with no man is happy and complete, and lives a life of joy?
        I suppose if not, then six or eight cats will complete her. It’s a common enough scenario. What is it with women and cats anyway?

  2. Lemme guess. The sign printer either flunked math or is a non native English speaker and graduated high school.

    • No, it’s photoshopped.

      But that doesn’t mean I don’t call ’em that. Been doing it for decades, so has the Wifey Unit.

      • My mom got me started on that as a little kid. I’m 72 AND A HALF, she was born in 1913. A genuine coal minors daughter from Beckly, Westbygodvirginia. She was smart and funny…and under appreciated.

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