Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

That may be so but even my blind old eyes started watering when I saw this thing.

The Tweaker Special Entertainment Center on top was especially fetching.

I did manage to score an old Proto tape measure stuck to the front there with a magnet.

The first order of business when I got this derelict fucker home was to grab a pair of gloves and a garbage bag.

After I took one look at this shit I wasn’t taking any chances that there might be an old syringe in the bottom of one of those drawers.

After I got all that crap out then it was time to see about getting rid of that junk pile attached to the top.

Some judicious prying and cursing soon saw that little task accomplished.

Then remove the wood attaching hardware hidden underneath.

When it was finally empty I got the ramps out and unloaded the ugly fucker.

Only to find out it wouldn’t roll.

The guy I got it from and his huge fucking buddy had helped me load it and we had just picked it up and set it in the truck.

It didn’t take long to figure out why it didn’t want to roll, someone had literally glued it to a floor.

So I cut all that shit off the wheel and then got my Shop Vac out and finished cleaning out the drawers.

Then I had to move all kinds of shit around in the garage to make room for it.

The reason I snagged the ugly fucking thing was so that I could replace this old wooden bench a buddy had slapped together for me a few years ago that I had my Mini Lathe sitting on and about a hundred and fifty pounds of crap stuck underneath and hanging off the back.

It took almost three hours from start to finish but I finally got everything moved and swapped out.

By myself, of course.

Eventually I will take everything back off and throw a piece of plate steel on top.

Since I now work at a Steel Plant, I don’t see that being much of a problem.

As it turned out, the ugly bastard actually opened up some room for me,.

It’s already crammed with all the crap that was under the old bench.

I even have a couple of empty drawers.

I can hear it now though.

Why in the world would I drag home this FUBAR mess of a Roll Away and spend all this time and energy on such an ugly piece of shit?

There are two obvious reasons.


And two,

It was literally sitting on the sidewalk on the street I have to take coming and going to work.

I went past it because I didn’t see the Free part until I was on top of it because somebody else in a little SUV had stopped to look at it and pulled out right in front of me and there were cars behind me so I went up and around the block.

It may be ugly as sin but FREE is still a very good price.

Good old Tom Peterson always said so anyway.

17 thoughts on “Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

  1. Did you at least keep those speakers? Did you check the resistances? 4 or 8 ohm? that will will at least tell you the spider and cone are not too damaged

  2. Very nice. Might have to hold an exorcism on it. Or at least load some roach motels into each drawer.

    How much bleach did you use to clean your hands off afterwards?

    Still… dammit, that’s one nice chest.

  3. Now my garage stinks like Bondo.
    I hate that shit.
    There could be some major scrubbing coming.

  4. Damned good deal, though I would have used a hazmat suit to clean it out with scraper, shovel and power washer loaded with Clorox before use. Glued to the deck? Really?!!.

    Can’t imagine what the prior owner did with it or for a living. If he was a Mercedes Benz mechanic and I saw that in the shop, I would have backed out and high tailed it out of there as fast as possible. Ugh!

  5. Free minus your labor time, but the space, and tool chest left over after are still quite a score.

    Nicely done.

  6. Hey, I like that metal sign! Very nice.

    That has to be one of the skankiest boxes I’ve seen. Man, you may need penicillin after touching it.

    • A super nice friend made that sign just for me.
      Wink wink.
      You do nice work buddy.

  7. Great find. Those things are prohibitively expensive these days. I bought a new Waterloo 36″ wide stack a few years ago and immediately tore it all the way down and put it back together the way it’s supposed to be. Loose fasteners, misaligned drawer slides causing binding, tilted handles, etc. Then I got the ‘cut to fit’ waffle padding for the drawer bottoms. I instantly filled it with tools but the garage doesn’t show it. I need another stack!

  8. I didnt know the term “tweaker special” was used outside the Florida panhandle, we get a lot of those deals here. Tweakers selling chainsaw and such at rock bottom prices, a lot of banjos, old pickup trucks and meth labs. Lol

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