Because I know damn good and well that he saw this over at Non Original Rants, saved it and has plans to razz me with it later.
I can even tell you what the title would have been.
Phil, The Later Years

I’m on to ya buddy.
Because I know damn good and well that he saw this over at Non Original Rants, saved it and has plans to razz me with it later.
I can even tell you what the title would have been.
I’m on to ya buddy.
I did save it in my Ford library and was gonna raze Leigh with it! Not you, I am looking for a Dodge one to raze you specifically!
There it is people, premeditated intent.
That sumbitch.
Yeah, that looks perfectly plausible. You just cropped the image where the bed has a GMC emblem.
We are so used to working on GM pieces of shit, we have to own a Ford – as we don’t have the spare time to work on our own vehicles. So, naturally, we own something that is reliable.
Whitehall, NY
Glad you beat him to the punch and thanks for the link!
Well, if he was a Ford owner, that gotta be a mental hospital.
Ford owner is reading True Crime and watching the Dodge owner checking his muffler fluid. Or the GM owner checking muffler bearings.
Strike fast. Strike hot!
That’s not you under the bed, he’s wearing shorts under the hospital gown