11 thoughts on “Bear Claw would agree. Time for us to all be the Indians.

  1. “Time for us all to be the Indians”
    Or the roof top Koreans. Take yer pick. But seeing that I have supposedly native America heritage, I’ll side with my good friend Bear Claw. Rock on my bad assed friend! Love you always friend.

    • Koreans would work just as well. Saxons, Mongolians, Vikings, Bezerkers we are all the same.

      Send me an email I have another prayer request

      • I had a custom morale patch made for my little day-pack: “VLAD UP”, in red letters on black.
        I have another that says, “Thank a veteran—kill a communist.”

        Feel free to borrow and share 🙂

  2. “Time for us all to be the Indians” On the one hand, I agree they were great fighters. On the other hand, let’s not forget they were all but wiped by out by disease, starvation and superior firepower.

  3. Gotta agree with Nemo. We probably shouldn’t be wanting to the be the Indians. remember….. they lost. Probably need to pick a better group to emulate.

      • And spending it on booze, meth and opioids. It’s understandable given the centuries of mistreatment.

        • You probably think smoke signals were a real thing. Look up the stats on those for the white man.

          • Not sure what you’re getting at. American Indians used them as did a lot of cultures through history. Popular in China. The Vatican uses them to signal a new pope.

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