Bear Claw sent this in, a warning: Watch your six boys!

Zerohedge’s article would not name the race of the “youths and teenagers” Shit, like we don’t know it? It is now a metaphor for negros and mexicans. Like Phil said, keep your head on a swivel. You don’t go armed, you are a victim. The article gave excuses, bullshit, only reason is they are not being punished, and I mean punished. Teenagers? You get the same punishment and lockdown in a prison as an adult, if you survive that long. Time we give no quarter or mercy to these savage, feral waste of protoplasm. No MERCY!

12 thoughts on “Bear Claw sent this in, a warning: Watch your six boys!

  1. From the article:

    “Progressive cities like Seattle have defunded police and only emboldened criminals to commit thefts and other violent crimes.”

    By all means, get mad and go to war with the little bastards until you get tired. But don’t forget what created them in the first place. People in places like Seattle and Portland voted for politicians and policies that sowed the seeds for crap like this. They continue to tolerate it, too. I think you already know this all too well.

    Pie in the sky bullshit like ‘defunding the police’, ‘safe injection sites’, and ‘sanctuary cities’ (among others) may sound nice during whimsical casual conversation at the local hipster coffee joint. In practice, it’s another kettle of fish. So its hard for me to muster any sympathy for these communities when I read about this stuff happening there.

    • Yes, they absolutely deserve this, which is why I moved to the middle of fuckin-nowhere years ago.
      And when we meet people here that are “escaping” their old libturd utopias, we make it a point to tell them if they vote the same way here with their pie in the sky sparkle farts, they can fuck off back to where they came from.

  2. real simple way to stop all of this bullshit. just shoot the little fuckers dead.
    then drag their dead ass outside to let the critters feed on them.
    this kind of shit never gets better. it only gets worse over time.
    today they beating the older woman. next time, they either shoot her or set her on fire and laugh about it. so, you have to chose what you are willing to live with ?
    on a side note, why else are people who never even thought about owning a gun
    now buying one or more ? why ? they see what is happening in the cities.
    this soft on crime shit sounds good until they start beating your ass for what little you have. and if you have to shoot one of them, kill the fucker. if they live, they bound to sue your ass. so, again just shoot the fucker dead.

    • Legally, you have to shoot until the threat is gone.
      Militarily, you shoot until the threat is neutralized.

      I pick Option 2 if I have a choice.

  3. De funding the popo works both ways, helicopters wont be deployed if some shit rat gets misted or disappeared. Quick fact; 90% of murders between two people who don’t know one another get resolved

    • BIG difference between black folk and niggas. Chris Rock laid it out over 20 years ago. Hit the search window at jooo tooob, it’s a very funny skit. Warning, plentiful profanity.

  4. Those kids weren’t mexican. That isn’t the behavior of Latinos.
    Street niggers, plain and simple. Mexican kids have issues, so do whites and asians. , but the Blacks leave them in the dust when it comes to brutality and violence against anyone who gets in their way.
    Don’t confuse the black trash from the rest of the trash. THhe blacks are worse and there are a higher percentage population wise that are criminals because there is no father/family structure. THey are animals.
    If you lump them all together than yer gonna make mistakes evaluating them. Learn the difference.

    • B, I grew up in San Jose in my high school years. The black and latinos were no different, just a lighter melanin count. So, I did not make a mistake. Email Wirecutter, he lived in Modesto, I bet his experiences would closely match mine. We also had them growing up around Canby, OR, farms kids and you had to remain on guard even then.

  5. I had to go into Atlanta today. The 35 mile trip took me an hour in and a hour back out. For lunch I had a $15 club sandwich that would have been $8 outside the perimeter. I had my 45 sitting on the seat next to me for the trip. I usually carry a compact 9.

  6. The real problem with defending yourself against these feral animals in blue cities is you will be the one sent to prison. Not the animals. There is no solution to the problems we face short of massive violence and bloodshed. We’re going to have to burn down all the blue cities, exterminate all the ferals AND the criminals in power protecting them then start over. TINVOWOOT

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