12 thoughts on “Be Like Rust

  1. Ya know, you can take that rotten piece of shit and all the others like him and stuff their asses in a Dixie cup and all of it together wouldn’t stand one single chance against a strong, moral person with a thinking brain and a functioning backbone.

    Frankly, the only people that fall under that rotten piece of shits influence or effect are the very parasites that it needs to cannibalize.

    Fuk Em Ded

  2. first they want to steal everything we have before killing us off.
    for a while now, I have wonder if we even are going to have elections again
    in this country. last one was a joke. and I think this next one will also be a waste of time the way the system is rigged. the national debit is unreal. the dollar is on it last
    legs, as I fully expect it to be worthless here soon.
    as others have noted, they robbing the country. getting as much “aid” to the uke land as they can. or in other words, washing the cash out into some other form of money. gold, silver or land. not here though.
    I also fully expect them to flee to some other place/country as soon as things here start to get sporty. there no way in hell they have enough guards to protect themselves from the people who thy have wronged.
    any plans they may have about bringing in UN troops to keep order is a joke.
    the people KNOW shit is just wrong. otherwise why are they buying a million guns per month for the last 2 years now ? the guy in the store tells me, ammo comes in and for the most part goes right back out again.
    like wise, the local ranges have seen a up take in traffic here as well.
    I seen a lot of older guys at the range, they zeroing their rifles. lots of M1A and AR’s both 10’sand 15’s . hint, here, you not allowed to use them to hunt with in this state. and for some reason, buckshot is selling out ?
    try to find Ball mason jars around here, there are little to none on the shelf.
    same for lids and seals
    I think people are getting the same idea you guys have, they want us dead.
    really, if any of you are still inside the city, you need to have some other place to go, when the music stops, the cities will burn like never before.
    you might want to make plans now while you still can. find a safe place, friends
    family, whatever.
    plan on it getting real bad by mid winter, or early next year.
    my 2 cents for what it’s worth. but what do I know ?

    • dave, your comments are read and appreciated. I can only speak for myself, but I’m sure I’m not alone; there are many who check these threads multiple times for additions.

      • for the longest time, I just kept my thoughts to myself.
        for one thing, when the first AWB was passed in 1994, I knew we reached a turning point here. made it a point to learn how to reload and store as much ammo as I could afford.
        started thinking about other shit as well did some time with SAM back in the day and saw a fair bit of shit.
        so, I knew how bad it could get here. never wanted to see it happen here, but it looks like it will anyway. if people are willing to fight you over a stupid toaster, what do you think they will do over a can of beans or stew when they are starving ? no place is safe when people are starving.
        learning how to grow and store your own food is something
        important to learn, if you want to live. gold and silver are nice and neat to own, but you can not eat them.
        the 3 main things one needs in life are food, shelter and meds. when you come right down to it. and no one can stand alone either. you going to need a group of friends or family to withstand what is coming. if you know of any older folks who might have hunted in the past, ask them if they have weapons to sell. the worst they can say is no.
        a lot of people like stuff like mountain house foods, I have some in backpacks I keep in the truck, but for the most part I went with canned goods/foods as I don’t plan on going anywhere. my neighbors thought I was nuts to install 2 wood stoves here after we moved in, they don’t think so anymore. on the plus side, I can and have cooked food on them. a bit different from the electric stove, but doable.
        you might want to try and find as many older books on stuff as you can. downloads and whatever are nice to have, but books you can read outside in the sunlight after the power goes out. I like books I can hold in my hands. as mom used to say, you don’t have to know everything, just where you put the book on how to do it. and I have a lot of books on “stuff’ older non powered tools will be worth their weight in gold after the power goes out.
        back in the 1980’s sat in on a lecture about EMP at the CGSC or the staff war school. inside of 10 minutes, everyone was sitting upright and taking notes.
        back then, the whole of the country had about 35-40 days worth of food. and that included everything in stores, warehouses, fields and boats in harbor, everything.
        the whole supply line here is worse than anyone thought.
        there is no stockpile of food in the back of stores, none.
        and everything that needed to kept cold will rot inside of a week. they planned on over 50% of the country to die off inside of 4-6 months. fun stuff ,you think ?
        got tired of hearing the line from people saying “if anything happens I just come over to your place” shit.
        so, now very few people know where I live anymore.
        or even have my phone number either.
        even starting now is better than not starting at all or when you starving. so, think about it, make a plan or better yet
        plans, as nothing goes to plan. and start figuring out a way to live thru this coming shit show.
        wish you all well.

        • I appreciate you Dave and all the wisdom you impart here. You are truly a wise man and a gem. One thing I include in my preps is a goodly supply of plain (unflavored, unsweetened) whey protein powder. Can be mixed into anything to increase the protein content. Men in particular need a high protein diet to support all that muscle mass. Just my humble thoughts. YMMV

          • wow. never thought of myself as wise or smart to tell you all the truth. BTW, look into beans,
            my dad used to call them the poor man meat.
            and beans are easy to grow too.
            the one think I do well, is remember things/stuff
            and had a lot of talks with my dad about the “time of FDR” as he liked to call it.
            think about this, inside of 50 years with wide spread electric power, this country went from the horse and buggy to the damn moon.
            and that is how important electric power is to
            our world. without it,, we go backwards fast.
            funny thing they never talk about, it was WW2 that brought this country out of the sump of the 1930’s. not ANYTHING FDR did
            and yet he gets the credit for it (?)
            turn off your tv and pick up a book and start reading. most of what is on tv is just noise.
            never watched much as a kid, but my parents had no problem with any of us reading.
            as long as the chores where done of course.

  3. That senile fucking asshole should NOT be allowed to appear in the same space as an American flag. Fuck Joe Biden and all his minions.

  4. A picture of a TRUE PECKERWOOD, DICK w/EARS! A worthless SOS, ANOTHER never had a job. SHOULD be made to shovel low slump contrete on the inside of a radius, bust rods, bang Iron, chop cotton, pick cotton, crop(prime, pick) tobacco, Hang tobacco in a flue cured barn…OL’ style. WORK many do not know.

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