10 thoughts on “Basic Math With Uncle Scott

  1. I wouldn’t necessarily count on the active military/law enforcement to be on our side. They will do whatever their masters tell them to do regardless of any oath.

    For example:

    The Whiskey Rebellion,

    The Bonus Expeditionary Forces,

    Ruby Ridge,

    Waco, etc.

    Here are a couple of examples of the armed bureaucrats going against the wishes of the local citizens –



    • Cops are wildcard, but ANY active duty military who will turn their guns on those they’ve swore to protect will most likely find themselves in the business ends of guns held by those who WON’T turn their guns on those they’ve sworn to protect!

      This next outing won’t be like Ruby Ridge or Waco. It’ll be more like Fort Sumpter… and it’s coming…

    • This is what I have been saying for years. We The People have no defence. We are on our own, fall in line with BIG BROTHERS wishes or The military and Blue Line will force you PERIOD.

  2. I would say the 200 million are more dependably deployed than the 20 million vets. Although I know several but most are fixated on enemies foreign than domestic.

  3. ya know
    i’m fricking 70.
    vn vet. usn/osn.
    all my life i heard
    so many many “lines”.
    all crossed!
    without reply/response. ( i include myself).

    as it’s not happened yet,
    i can only conclude-
    “it” never will
    usa= fusa
    usa is effed

    wake up
    admit it
    and DO sth!

    is it too late to flee modern baby lawn?


  4. I have avoided Twitter/X to this point. I might have to make an exception for this guy. Don’t necessarily agree with his numbers or his theory on how things will play out. I’d say the redneck army is closer to 100m southern and flyover territory Gun owners.

  5. I wouldn’t count on the US armed forces, at least not most of them. Too many lgbtqstfu, too many inner city bangers, too many remf, too many like that leather mask wearing MFer, too many DEI promotions. It ain’t your grand daddies army, navy, air force, marines anymore. Hell, it ain’t even YOURS anymore. Don’t forget the multitude of federal 3 letter agencies that are armed to the teeth. The majority of them are quite content, sucking on the .gov teat. On the positive side, the number of armed citizens in the country, including a whole bunch of pissed off recently involuntarily separated veterans outnumber the combined armed forces of Russia, China and India. Not to mention the fact that the US has never been good at fighting an insurgency.

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