17 thoughts on “Bacon! But PB and marshmallow sammich?

  1. I remember my mother always having a jar or two of the marshmallow creme on hand when I was a kid. I can’t for the life of me remember what we used it for, but I do know it wasn’t for a PB sandwich.

  2. They are delicious! My Mom made them for us all the time as kids. I still eat them

    • Hey Matt .. I lived in MA, just south of Nashua NH for 17 years. By chance, do you recall MA state senator Jarrett Barrios, aka Senator Fluffernutter?

    • As a kid in CT, I confess to having eaten a fluffernutter or two. Of course that was 45 years ago, I wouldn’t eat that shite now. Makes my teeth ache just thinking about it.

    • New England???? We ate those as kids in the 50’s and 60’s growing up in rural Iowa west of Des Moines. Also in Chicago during the 70’s during college.

    • Is there any other sugar and vegetable oil spread besides Marshmallow Fluff? WTH is Marshmallow Creme? Never heard of it. I still eat fluffernutters occasionally in the winter.

      • My Grandmother always had a jar of that stuff around. We used to make peanut butter sandwiches with it.
        Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

  3. I’m down with PB, but there is just Not a vehicle to get that marshmallow stuff in my mouth..

    But something that goes alright with pb is tomato. I prefer Roma’s for that application.
    Don’t hate me for it,my grandma put me onto it when I was young and impressionable.

  4. I’m cracking up over your dislike for the old PB&M sammich.
    Now allow me to let you in on my personal favorite sammich.
    Peanut butter, mayonnaise and cheese (sharp cheddar) sometimes with sliced sweet pickles. Mmmmm good stuff.


  5. i heard bout it in mass. at a army school. they called it pb and fluff. good sugar rush.

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