If you have been inundated with images and news stories about Muh Israel, you need to ask yourself this question,
In two days, how much have you seen of the war on Israel compared to the last year and a half of the war in Ukraine?
Biden gave 6 Billion dollars to Iran and a week later here we are. Hamas is using American made weapons they got from Ukraine and Afghanistan.
Because Ukraine is pretty much done for, the U.S. Bankruptcy that is being actively pursued must be kept hidden and all attention to the machinations of the destruction of this country, the scandals and criminality must be diverted by manufactured war in other countries.
For Now.
Rest assured that what is happening in Israel right now is coming to this country right on time, as planned.
It is no coincidence that the majority of most of the millions of illegal aliens waltzing across our wide open border are fighting age males, many of them foreign trained military fighters.
You do not have enough ammo, preparations and tactically trained friends in your personal circle for what is coming.
I know I sure as shit don’t.