A Challenge For The Old Gear Heads!

Longtime reader and good friend Terrapod recently came across something that neither one of us can positively identify so he asked me to put it up and see if anyone else knows what it is and what it is for.

It appears to be bigger than I thought at first glance and in my opinion I think it is some kind of belt driven Two Speed transmission of some kind. A High-Low kind of thing.

The variable speed pully set up is connected to a clutch he says and it obviously drives a chain for something.

I do have to give him credit for taking way better pictures than I do so have at it and we shall see what you guys can come up with.

It looks plenty heavy and having a cast iron case tells me it’s fairly old.

Whaddya got?

Sometimes Your Vote Damn Well Matters

As an entire small town’s government just found out, the hard way.

Small Michigan Town Ousts Its ENTIRE GOVERNMENT and Changes the Town Hall Locks Over Its Support for a Chinese-Owned Electric Battery Plant

Story via The Gateway Pundit.

The Blaze reported Wednesday that Green Charter Township, a town with roughly 3,200 people located in central Michigan, voted out their entire township board (which governs the city) after they ignored their concerns and cut a dirty deal with a company named Gotion Inc. Then they put a little icing on the cake afterward when they changed the townhall locks just hours after the vote.

Gotion is a corporation which makes batteries for electric vehicles. While the company is headquartered in Silicon Valley, its parent company is based in the People’s Republic of China and has ties to the CCP.

As the Blaze notes, all seven members cut a $2 billion deal with Gotion back in December 2020 allegedly over the prospect of jobs. But ordinary people soon caught wind over the potential for communist infiltration and the horrific impacts the massive plant would have on the environment.

Back in April, residents angrily confronted the quislings for selling them out to our greatest foreign adversary.

“China is our number-one enemy!” one angry resident yelled.

“My family members fought communism, and you’re bringing it right here!” screamed another.

NewsNation uncovered documents proving that the residents had every right to be alarmed. These require Gotion to “set up a party organization and carry out party activities in accordance with the constitution of the Communist Party of China” and “ensure necessary conditions for carrying out party activities.”

Moreover, the plant posed a severe threat to endangered species and drinking water. The Economic Development and Responsibility Alliance of Michigan points out the plant was slated to be built atop what is currently a pristine wetlands site. It hosts many rare species including blue heron, bald eagles, several species of bats, and possibly even the Karner blue butterfly.

The nonprofit also notes that this wetlands site, which helps to regulate local aquifers, runs through a creek less than half a mile long into the Muskegon River, a prominent Lake Michigan waterway.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Gotion even tried to seize 260 acres of farmland in the town. But they backed off thanks to the efforts of brave single mother Lori Brock, who owns approximately 150 acres, where she raises a variety of animals, next door to several pieces of property purchased with Michigan taxpayer dollars where the battery factory would be located.

Green Charter residents next decided only a November recall of the entire board could stop this treason and were able to gather enough signatures over the course of several months to do so. The board otherwise would have been secure until November 2024 and the plant may have been in place by that time.

Two board members, James Peek and Gary Todd, decided to resign rather face the voters’ wrath. Then on Tuesday, more than 1,000 Green Charter residents stormed to the polls to oust the other five sellouts: Trustees Dale Jernstadt and Roger Carroll, Clerk Janet Clark, Treasurer Denise MacFarlane, and Supervisor James Chapman.

Each challenger won by at least six points.”

Just to make sure these collaborating pieces of shit could do no more damage after they were voted out, the new town council had all the locks changed immediately.

Sure it’s just a tiny little town but their actions just sent a message to all the other little towns around their county.

This is how large movements start, with little steps.

It may not make much difference where you or I live but it sure as hell is going to make a difference where they do.

One thousand people in that little town all stood up and said BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY, and meant it.

Good On Ya.

Think It Will Happen?

Rising serpent 


Shitlibs who demonize “MAGA extremists” haven’t the faintest clue what comes after they put their dissenters in prison The rise of actual right wing ethnostate nationalists will be brutally vicious and merciless. Marxists are playing with fire and we get the country we deserve



Like I have said for many years, the pendulum always swings both ways.

If it swings as far right as it has far left in the last sixty years you can damn well bet the scenario above is not beyond the realm of possibility.