Maybe Not

The Murder Princess was raising hell and scratching at the door wanting to go outside a minute ago.

Yeah? OK then.

As you can see, she didn’t get too far.

I was out in that shit quite a while earlier doing a bunch of running around.

First thing this morning was having to make a run to McDonalds for breakfast,

So I bundled up, put on the new Insulated Coverall’s my son got me for Christmas and went out and warmed up Big Red.

After getting that done and ate, The Wife started throwing a fit about the furnace filter needing changed and of course I had run out of the damn things. So then I headed to Lowes, get the filters and a couple other things.

While I’m there, I looked to see of they had any of those Gas Buddy propane heaters.

Sold clear out.

Off to Bi Mart, it was on the way home anyway.

Nobody but us Geezers ever thinks to check Bi Mart for shit.

A couple years ago when no one could find a small chest freezer anywhere and Home Depot was selling them out of the back of trucks before they could even get them in the store, Bi Mart had two.

So I got one. Same Same with the Gas Buddy heaters.

There was another couple in there close to my age looking at them. The lady said they had already lost power twice in the last week and she didn’t like being cold.

So they had one in the cart and were buying the rubber hose to hook it up to a twenty pound propane tank while they were at it.

I loaded one up, six of the small bottles of propane and the extra hose also just for shits and grins.

I got the biggest model they had and it all came to over two hundred bucks.

Bi Mart may have stuff but they aren’t cheap.

Still, it’s good to keep them in mind for when you are in a pinch.

I load all that shit up and come home to unload it, the whole time it is either snowing or blasting small icy particles everywhere.

Basically frozen rain.

Big Red performed flawlessly in 4 wheel drive the whole trip.

Damn I love that truck.

I get home to start unloading my spoils and the wife starts throwing a fit that I bought the heater.

“I wish you wouldn’t do that”


“I don’t want anything with propane in the house”


What the….

So just yesterday you were complaining and worrying about a heat source if the power goes out, I go down in a freaking Blizzard and get something to take care of that and now you don’t want it?!


Jesus H. Christ.

I will NEVER understand women.

Fuck it.

I ain’t taking the sonofabitch back until after this fucking weather goes away.

I may not take it back anyway.

Fuck it, I’ll find a hole out in the garage and hide the damn thing.

Who knows, maybe I will go camping or fishing or something and take it with me.

In the mean time, the restaurant that we had dinner reservations called me to let me know they were shutting down until Monday at the earliest so her Birthday Dinner is going to consist of whatever she decides to dig out and make.

At least we still have electricity and football for God’s sake.

That keeps her entertained and happy.

Which means I can sit here and vegetate on the internet.

As it should be on a cold and snowy Saturday night.

Now I’m just waiting for The Murder Princess to start clawing the door wanting back in…..

At Least It’s Above Zero (Open Thread)

An internet friend who lives up in Canada sent me an Email earlier this week and let me know that they were dealing with -45 degree weather.

Yeah, I’m sorry but there is no way I could deal with that shit.

I am way too skinny and the arthritis I have in my hands especially would render them completely useless even with gloves on.

My friend Irish and the area he lives in in the Upper North East also got slammed with snow and shitty weather this last week.

It appears now we here on the Left Coast are going to get slammed by some Arctic Blast but it looks like the Upper Mid West is really going to get it here in CONUS. That means Canada is going to get it even worse for longer.

Poor DeathRay, him being in Alaska, I have no idea how he does it.

So Tomorrow is The Wifely Unit’s birthday, she wanted to meet up with as much of the local family as possible at a local Mexican restaurant for dinner.

I’m thinking that for safety’s sake, most everybody is going to bail out on that and I don’t blame them.

It’s supposed to get down into the Teens, snow like hell and maybe just for fun, have 50 mph winds tomorrow.

Then it is going to stay cold for the weekend and probably Monday too.

But like the title says, at least it’s going to be ABOVE zero.

Some of the rest of you are fixing to get way, way colder than that.

Parts of Wyoming are supposed to get down to -65!

The Wife is all worried about what we will do for heat if we lose power. I gave away both of my generators.

I told her we will get in the truck and drive until we see lights on and either get a motel or find family.

If I can get the door open on the truck tomorrow I may head to Home Depot and see if they have one of those propane Gas Buddy heaters.

I’m pretty sure I still have a full bottle of propane out in the shed and they sell them right up the road if I don’t.

All the heat in this place is Gas. Ya gotta have electricity to run it.

Sure I could fuck around with an inverter and a battery and make it work but fuck that. I can’t even remember the power being out for even 24 hours around here even after the worst storms.

The power line guys around here are phenominal.

So as much as I preach about preparedness, I have completely slacked off because the wife has bitched and bitched and bitched about it.

I got sick of listening to it.

Imagine my surprise when out of the blue she is suddenly worried about it.

Looks like I will be back in the Preparedness business after all.


So what are you guys looking at coming your way?

It’s Dumb But I’ll Go First Anyway

I see these stupid time wasters all the time on Twitter.

Obviously posted by people with way too much spare time on their hands but this morning just for shits and grins, I started adding them up.

I got a 3.

I’ve never been on a cruise but I have worked on Tug Boats.

I’ve never gotten a piercing but I have had lots of stitches over the years and have had foreign objects get jammed into my hands.

And I’ve never been sky diving,

I could never see the sense in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.

Other than that, yeah, I’ve done ’em all.

Some several times.

You could say that I have not led a sheltered life.