I Win Again

Just barely and Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus, for helping me get through it without any major fuck ups or pouring down rain.

Pertin’ near 7 hours, from start to closing the garage door and I am wiped, the fuck, out.

I literally came in the house and fell into my recliner because I almost didn’t make it.

Of course there were a couple glitches.

For one, when I bought the new pump my gut kept telling me to buy a gallon of coolant but my brain kept telling me I had plenty laying around.

Technically, my brain was right.

When I went to grab some, I found a half a gallon of the Green stuff, which I needed, two gallons of the Orange stuff and a gallon of the Blue stuff.

The Orange stuff was for her Dad’s Yukon which is long gone and the Blue stuff is for the Kid’s Hyundai, which my youngest daughter is currently driving.

The best part is after I put some water and the half gallon of Green stuff in, I went to shut the hood to go get more after warming it up and checking for leaks and the damn hood all of a sudden doesn’t want to latch.

In total I spent better than a half an hour dicking with that. Of course after I got it closed and went and got the Anti Freeze, it didn’t want to open back up again.

More cursing, prying and swearing.

After drowning the latching mechanism in WD-40, adjusting the stops, shimming the latch and adjusting it sideways, I finally took it clear off and started over. It finally starting opening and closing.

Fuck You Murphy.


I had to stop for breaks six or seven times before I finally got everything put back away and now I am going to chill out for a bit. Then I am going to take a shower and go get a birthday card and some cash for the Grandson’s 12th birthday.

He is already 5 foot 10 and weighs 155 pounds.

The freaking kid is as big as I am.

At 12.


So after this repair job, I am thinking that after fifty years of wrenching on shit, I am pretty much officially semi retired from working on fucking cars.

Sure I’ll still do the stupid simple and easy stuff but the days of me laying across an engine bay or underneath on the concrete are pretty much done.

It’s time to start the triage process and start getting rid of stuff so I won’t even be tempted.

My body just can’t take it anymore.

It’s So Simple A Caveman Could Do It

Now that we have found out Gropey McPantsshitter. Myorkis and whoever else was involved having flown in over 300,000 illegal aliens into this country on the tax payer dime completely bypassing the border all together.

Simply have The Speaker of the House drop this document down on the desk of whoever is in charge of the U.S. Marshalls and give them an ultimatum.

(Image swiped from Non Original Rants)

Tell them to get ahold of Biden, Knee Pads and Myorkis.

Tell them they have 24 hours to close the fucking border tight.

If that doesn’t happen, which we all know it won’t, send in the U.S. Marshalls and arrest all 3 of them for Treason plus Dereliction of Duty.

Then inform The Speaker the same deal applies to him.

If necessary, continue this process until you get down to the fucking janitor.

Then commence with the trials and the subsequent hangings.

What Doesn’t Kill You

Doesn’t necessarily make you stronger but at least you ain’t dead.

Hopefully I can finish this job without it killing me.

I coulda sworn I heard a belt chirping or some kind of squeal on the way home yesterday but the traffic noise was bad.

After I got home from work tonight and went to shut the truck off I heard it again. Definitely a belt chirp.

So I opened the hood and the first thing I see is the serpentine belt wandering around on the water pump pulley.

Fuck, Me.

I shut it off, went back under the hood and grabbed the fan blade to give it a wiggle.

Bigger than shit the fan and the pulley start wobbling back and forth.

More and fouler language followed.

I took a few minutes to take in what all was involved, came in the house and hit YouTube to refresh my memory.

I’ve done Dodge 318 water pumps before but it’s been a long time ago.

And since this one is in a 3/4 ton 4 Wheel Drive, it’s up and in way farther than a passenger car.

A quick call to have a pump set out and a trip to the parts house lightened my bank account $139 but the pump it’s self was like $90.

I snagged a few other goodies.

I came home and started in because it was nice and sunny out.

It’s supposed to start raining tomorrow until next Thursday.

Of Course!

As you can see I did manage to get the old one out and judging by that nasty red high temp silicone, this won’t be the first water pump replacement at only 120,000 miles…

I’m here to tell ya, my body just can’t take much more of this shit.

As it is, I see it’s been so long since I have used my precious Snap On Impact Sockets that some of them are covered in rust.

50 lashes with a wet noodle for that sin.

Sweet Jesus now I gotta go through all those tools out there and clean them up and oil them.

First I gotta finish this little project.

Hopefully I can get this done without doing permanent injury.

Between my belly button and my ankles I have EIGHT clogged arteries.

My legs give out from just being on my feet too long and on a good day I might get 100 feet walking before they shut down and I have to stop.

Standing on a big step stool and kneeling on the winch and brush guard bar going across the top of while laying over the top of the radiator to get at it it ain’t much fun either.

Nor is standing on my tip toes trying to get to certain radiator shroud bolts.

But it’s gotta get done and if I can help it, I ain’t paying a shop $500 to do it, like I could even get an appointment this month.

So you know where I’ll be tomorrow.

In the fucking rain.

I’m damn sure not going out there before noon. I’m going to at least let it warn up some first.