UnBelievable! A Judge Actually Ruled That Machine Gun Bans Are Unconstitutional!

Oh you know this is going to be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court but the fact that a judge actually ruled the ban Unconstitutional under the 2nd Amendment has to have the ATF and every Gun Grabber in the country absolutely shitting rings around themselves!

Watch, I’m not pulling your leg.

Btw, you should be following and watching William Kirk’s videos on Youtube to stay informed of what is going on in the legal world when it comes to our firearms and the scumbags who keep trying to take them away.

He’s a good dude.

And this was completely unthinkable just yesterday!

If You Ever Wondered About Francis Being The Anti Pope, Wonder No More (Updated)

Pope Francis Orders Humanity to Follow ‘Universal Bishop’ Klaus Schwab During ‘End Times’

Hey Francis,

Fuck straight off to Hell.

Take that fucking demon Klaus with you.


Apparently I got suckered in by my emotions and didn’t bother to look any farther than this story that turns out to be bullshit.

That being the case, I still wouldn’t be surprised if it was true.