They were bad enough back when I was semi- healthy.
Now that I have no blood flow to my legs they fucking kill me.
Ya gotta get down on your knees, stick the thing on the hole and push enough to leave an imprint of that little piece sticking out, then pull it back out and cut it out with a razor knife and then push it back all the way in. After just two if them I almost wasn’t able to get back on my feet I hurt so bad.
I had gone up and bought 10 of the damn things because it got down to freezing around here and The Wifely Unit had got on my ass about them a couple days ago.
I was just happy the hardware store actually had some unlike last year.
I wound up using 6 of the 10 and literally had to stop and let the blood catch up after only 4.
Hurting like a bastard, I willed myself to get down and finish the other 2.
While I was up getting them, The Kid texted and me and informed me that he was coming over to do a “Tune Up” on his girlfriends car.
Nice to get some advance warning eh?
Like he knows what the fuck he is doing?
This after I put a starter in my cousin’s rig on Friday. He’s a good kid and there weren’t any mechanic shops that weren’t booked up for 2 weeks and he, his Mom and her BF had come down earlier in the year and helped clean up the yard so I had no problem helping out.
Thankfully I didn’t have to crawl under the fucker, just take the battery and tray out so I could get to it. The Kid and this tune up is another story. I can guarantee you that he doesn’t even know there are special sockets for spark plugs, that you have to gap them or anything. So I will wind up out there giving a class on it and it’s cold outside.
There’s no rest for the wicked. I have to go in and get a Cat Scan again tomorrow morning. Hopefully this will be one of the last hold up’s before surgery. After 19 fucking months….
This gives you an excellent visual of the scope of the flooding in INDIA for fuck’s sake.
Eagle eyed commenter theswede pointed out what I missed, the names of the towns are in India for fuck’s sake.
Once again I had good intentions and got fucked for not paying close enough attention.
And here 50 some days later there are still people living in fucking tents now that the temperatures are down into the 20’s and a wind chill of -8 degrees.
There are government officials who need to go to fucking jail over the intentional lack of disaster response here.
I was talking to Cederq earlier, he is looking hard at getting a Ford truck. His old Chevy is getting close to 300,000 miles on it but it still runs and drives good.