At Least Nothing A Shot Of Penicillin Wouldn’t Take Care Of

On a more serious note,

on behalf of CederQ and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who stops by here and takes the time to leave a comment.

You fuckers are my kind of people.

24 thoughts on “At Least Nothing A Shot Of Penicillin Wouldn’t Take Care Of

  1. Yes. And we need to find more of our people and show them the way. And there is something wrong with you, but we like you anyway.

  2. yeah, I know the feeling well. after moving up here to the hills of pa.
    and finding out there are a LOT of older vets up here just like myself is kind of like
    coming home. kind of weird in a way, as almost every 3-4 house up here is owned by vets. and almost 3 out of 4 of them are all ex combat arms guys too.
    kind of nice to find people that think the same way as you do on most things.
    I grew out of motorcycles myself a long time ago, but if it makes a lot of these guys happy. so what.

  3. “You fuckers are my kind of people.”

    Thank you. I am so glad I am not the only one like me.

  4. Not that I have a problem with it, and I’m asking for a friend, but do we really have to include, Johno?

  5. Thank you Phil and CederQ for all that you do and for giving us a place to interact with like minded people. A place of humor. A place to exchange ideas. A place to vent our frustrations with the absurdity of the world at large. Y’all give us a voice. Thank you.

  6. Paraphrasing, ” I wouldn’t want to hang out with anyone that would have me”, except ya’ll. Great place ya got here, it’s kinda friendly. Thanks for the effort you guys.

  7. I wouldn’t go that far, in my case. At least we probably piss off the same assholes, which is A-OK in my book.

    All the same, I’m glad to be semi-acquainted with you folks.

  8. Compliments? Is Phil running a temperature?
    Thanks, though, from the other side of the lake. Any antiwokery is good in my book!

  9. A customer once told a boss I used to have to either “fire that son-of-a-bitch” or we’d lose all his business. The boss said no, he may be a son-of-a-bitch, but he’s OUR son-of-a-bitch. I was, for the record, not the son-of-a-bitch in question, that time, but it was at that moment I realized I’d found my people.

  10. Thanks for giving us a place to congregate and express our thoughts on most any topic. You guys and the rest of the blogs like this one provide a valuable counterpoint forum to a whole range of issues that people outside of this sphere need to hear/see and perhaps be educated or at least open up questions about WTH is really going on.

    Then there’s the pure entertainment of the rest of the articles to brighten everyone’s day. Thanks again.

  11. I was referred here by knuckledraggin and have found so many things that I can’t unsee.

    Evil Franklin

  12. Oboy, that scares me…

    ANY Organization that would accept ME as a member is either wonky, looking for something, or is a Fed-backed trap. No thanks!

    But y’all are MY kind of crazy!!

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