6 thoughts on “At least ignore I will.

  1. I had one of those days a couple weeks ago. Was not suppose to eat or drink before a scan. Effn’ imaging place to cheap to put coffee makers in.

  2. A few years ago I was in the hospital, and they took me off everything but water. Had a caffiene headache that wnet on for 4 days. I was homicidal, but no sharp objects to be had.

    Wife said “now that you’re off coffee, you can quit forever”

    Uh, no.

    Went right back to my addiction as soon as I could.

  3. Had radioactive dye heart scan last fall. The scan required no coffee, not even decaf, for 24 hours prior. Before injecting the dye, the tech asked me if had abstained from coffee. I replied, “Yes and I’m not happy about it”. She just smiled.

  4. What’s the problem here??

    I’ve been off it for 69 years, no problemo…

    *ducks and runs*

    • Igor, you will never understand the addiction we labor under, you can’t beg for mercy, you can’t reason with it. The only way to stop is nuke it from orbit, to be sure…

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