I’m a WAY big deal, to my 4 dogs. They’re SO happy after I’ve been gone 7 or 197 minutes!
If I die “out there”, my wife will make sure my dogs get to sniff me. That’s the only way they will understand. She knows she may get push back, but she is very persuasive.
I stopped at my cousin’s shop today and his dog met me at the door so I as usual petted her for a bit. Later as we were visiting the dog came over lay down by my feet and put her paw on my foot. He said she only does that with people she likes. Made me feel good having a dog like me as much as I like dogs.
Untainted love and devotion!
Dogs are such good judges of people. I wouldn’t be surprised if St. Peter uses them to detect what kind of person you are, knoWhutIMean??
I’m a WAY big deal, to my 4 dogs. They’re SO happy after I’ve been gone 7 or 197 minutes!
If I die “out there”, my wife will make sure my dogs get to sniff me. That’s the only way they will understand. She knows she may get push back, but she is very persuasive.
I stopped at my cousin’s shop today and his dog met me at the door so I as usual petted her for a bit. Later as we were visiting the dog came over lay down by my feet and put her paw on my foot. He said she only does that with people she likes. Made me feel good having a dog like me as much as I like dogs.
Untainted love and devotion!
Dogs are such good judges of people. I wouldn’t be surprised if St. Peter uses them to detect what kind of person you are, knoWhutIMean??