4 thoughts on “As That Time Gets Closer, It’s Good To Remember.

  1. Yup, an smile goes a long way with other smilers and those who may not be having their best day. It gets under the skin of negative Neds and that is where I do my best work, frothing them up with a bit of kindness that costs me nothing and them an gasket!

  2. I doubt I can find a way to find joy in BPH.

    I’m not 100% athiest, but I do believe that if there is/are God(s) out there, they ain’t nothing like the Christian version. I suppose that if there’s something to learn after death, I’ll find out. Nope, don’t believe in damnation for most folks, that is, if there is an afterlife.

    And I don’t believe in God’s plan, nor a God that would make a creation polluted by genocides and massacres such as we’ve known for all of human history. It’s all due to original sin? Nope, can’t buy into that.

    Well, I won’t go on. Make the best of your situation, and do what you can to make it better. Yep, I try to be nice and friendly to folks. Hell, I even smile and say thank you to the twits at the grocery store early in the morning.

  3. 100% agree with that meme. I have (mostly) lived my life that way although I have had my share of foibles and fuck ups along the way, notably recently. “Live life to its fullest, with a full heart and a grateful spirit.” Amen. And if I may amend, find the good in every situation and focus on the positive no matter how bad things may seem. There is a purpose and reason to everything. And never give up hope no matter how hopeless a situation appears.

    Currently living my life to its fullest on a South Carolina beach sipping ice cold IPA’s. 😊

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