As Much Of An Asshole As I Can Be, I Wouldn’t Have Been Able To Do That

I wouldn’t have been able to just stand by and film this complete fucking moron tear up such a nice truck.

I’d have to stop him before he moved it.

22 thoughts on “As Much Of An Asshole As I Can Be, I Wouldn’t Have Been Able To Do That

    • Licensed to drive in all fifty states and can buy power tools with no questions asked.
      The sight of wrinkling up that squarebody is enough to make a grown man cry.

  1. I wonder if things like that aren’t done on purpose just to post something stupid. That truck has no license plate yet it drove to that location, big bright shiny red and loud. Would draw all kinds of attention, but no license plate. Makes me question it.

    • I know my son never had a son, son… I don’t know much of anything else, but I do know that. I can’t put my thumb on it, but, I somehow know you stranger.

      • Cederq, are you able to swear to the resultant fortune of all your romantic dalliances when a single young man?
        There may be innumerable young Cederqs out there!
        Before Phil enforced comments moderation due to trolls, a certain resident of the North Pole used to post silly things under spurious names, even pretending to be me at times.
        As we have seen, that can backfire.

  2. This was Whistling Diesel from a recent YouTube video he posted in the last week. He does such things just to draw troll comments from square body lovers. He also despises squat pickup trucks, and does equally rude things to them.

  3. Yeah, I found Whistling Diesel,, watched a Coupla videos, and couldn’t enjoy watching good stuff get destroyed.

    • Any who do this purposefully to classic trucks(OK,give the truck a few more years)literally has given up the right to exist on this planet.

      I saw someone do that purposefully to a truck would literally punch them,simple as.

  4. On the bright side, the camera man may have warned the driver, and the driver told him to mind his own business… I could see that happening nowadays…

  5. At 77, I no longer offer advice or assistance to anyone. I’ve learned to do that through experience. What did Dean Martin say? “Good judgment comes from experience. And experience? Well, that comes from bad judgment.”

  6. 12 years younger and I agree. Staged or not I tend to mind my own business.

  7. Whistling Diesel obviously has enough money to indulge his twisted sense of humor. He sure bunched a bunch of panties.

  8. The duke boy destroyed over 300 1969 dodge chargers.

    Not sure where the entertainment value is.

  9. That’s one of a series of videos where the guy deliberately puts his truck in unlikely scenarios just to fuck it up. Not sure what his point is except to get clicks.

  10. bunk, yup…clicks

    that vid is at 4M views in just 5 days…bout $30-40k in utoob money

    he’s killed ferraris, gwagons, anything for clicks

    i think it’s fukkn great, hate = $$

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