Are You Fucking Kidding Me?


I can tell you right now, these two assholes would be hating life even more if I lived next to them.

I am still trying to process the absolute fucking ridiculous stupidity here.

38 thoughts on “Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

    • Or the 1812 Overture with actual cannons.  It’s amazing how fast a loud party across the street that’s still going on in the wee hours will break up.

    • Get some mannequins and have fun with moving them around at night so you can do creepy stalker looking things.

  1. Ermahgerd! The neighbors opened their blind(s)! Call the po-leece.
    Phil, Unpossible to process the stupidity of these two. You’d have to be one of them to understand and you’re not one of them. These people are insane.

  2. Did they just move in after being exiled by an HOA? But, seriously, this is a case study of what happens when low intellect people develop delusions of their authority to impose their will. It is frustrating, their morphology and countenances compared to their complaint indicate a corrupted self image, which leads to their perception that they illicit voyeurism. They would be an interesting application of a DSM evaluation for a psychology paper.

  3. Well,maybe the next pandemic is going to be viral chikkinshit.
    From Bustednuckles..

    I managed to obtain my little piece of what I Thought was the American Dream in around 90. Nice neighborhood, Midland, Texas. And decided I never wanted neighbors close enough to be able to hit their house with a rock again. Finally got that in 2003. Screw the Burbs.

  4. When i buy a house i tell the agent, i need to be able to piss off the front and back porches, savy? Of course i take the largest acreage if possible. Yeah this would have to escalate until they moved. Id have a video screen put in the window, dealers choice what plays all legal hours. Id rig a contraption to move the blinds day and night, with a lamp leg, a deer head, a potted plant, a fake head with a jason mask, then the realistic gel torso with a sword through it, the possibilities are endless. Id also start baking, and bring these tella tubby blubtards highly sweetened confectionaries every week. Snagging an old Iroc Z hat needs work and stripping that bitch down in the driveway would add some pizazz also. Id force em call the cops so many times eventually 9-11 hangs up on them.

  5. Find an old doll, place it in the window as though it were looking at the neighbors.
    Wait two weeks, and add one more doll.
    Then add a mannequin head.
    Continue ad nauseum.

    Refuse to pay for their psychiatry bills.

  6. Everyone would benefit if those two had regular dealings with a treadmill-they’d reduce their ass-baggage, plus be too exhausted to bother others with their petty bullshit.
    Next person that starts a sentence with “I feel…” to me is going to get a

  7. why would anyone in their right mind want to watch them? a better question would have been are you doing something in your back yard thats illegal?

  8. Reminds me of two neighbors who really did not get along. One was remodeling his bathroom and started using his outside, enclosed shower. The neighbor said that he was flashing his wife, who could see him from their upstairs bathroom. Said neighbor called the cops, who concluded that you could see into the shower if you stood on top of the toilet. Proposed solution was to put a roof on the shower. Remodel guy said fine, you buy it, I’ll put it on. Neighbor refused, impasse. Neighbors sold and moved.

  9. they think they have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their backyard? these types will be dangerous in a SHTF situation. when they are at your door asking then demanding because they asked nicely.

    • They look dangerous. I would be afraid they’d eat through my preps in a matter of hours.

      • Also, there is the strong possibility they will be eaten BBQ style in the first few weeks “after the music stops”.

        • We have a few acquaintances who have stated they will “Just come over to your place” if TSHTF.
          I ask them if they are vaxxed and boosted and regardless of the answer say “Good, (or sorry no go) because we don’t eat tainted meat.”
          They get a strange look on their face when the light bulb finally comes on, and the conversation usually ends there.

  10. After some consideration, I do believe it would be time to learn how to play the bagpipes, and sing the song of my people.
    Then learn the accordion.
    If you have any Hindu friends, the zitar would provide notable musical accompaniment to learning how to sing.
    Buy your child a drum set.
    Play some Norwegian Folk Death Metal.
    Buy a peacock and leave it in the window.
    The possibilities are endless! ! !

  11. This problem is due to lack of trace elements in the diet of those two tubby sacks of shit. Specifically tungsten deficiency, which can be remedied by injection. Injection of 230 grains at 830 fps, intracranial. Trust me, I’m a doctor.

    *This is sarcasm. I do not recommend shooting people in the head. Shooting people is nearly always a Bad Thing. Tags not to be removed under penalty of law. All rights reserved. Do not taunt happy fun ball.

    • FUCK!! Lucky for happy fun ball you showed up! grumblegrumble grumble…

  12. These people are about what I expect. I see these types everywhere I go. It’s why I’m such a loner. There is no point in talking to most people these days. It’s no wonder morons like Biden get votes.

  13. really didn’t want to watch this as I figured it was stupid as hell.
    one question jumps out at me. WHO in the hell would want to watch them ???
    seeing assholes like that is why I never go into Walmart. so, just because the blinds are open, they think they being watched ? well, like my Mom used to say
    “there is no life guard on the gene pool”
    God help is if those two clowns have kids.

  14. My next step would be to retain an attorney to see what legal remedies there might be against those those idiots for calling he police and the embarrassment.

  15. If these two losers have a problem being watched then they should move to a rural plot where they can put a place. The only thing I have to say to the owner is to talk to his son to ask “why are you looking at those two next door?” I feel sorry for the police for having to deal with stupid stuff like this.

  16. Id put mirrored tint on any and all the windows that faced their house. We’re watching you……assholes.

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