Anybody Else Relate To This?

This guy isn’t the only one I have seen noticing this lack of motivation/ energy to do much of anything.

I’ve noticed it too myself.

I tried blaming it on the health issues that I have been dealing with but I’m pretty sure I’m lying to myself.

I just can’t seem to be able to summon the gumption to do much of anything anymore without having to force myself to get up and do almost anything.

That ain’t like me.

Just a few years ago I was busy 6 and 7 days a week.

And you know what?

I think it’s the shit they have been putting in our food.

What do you think?

Are you having the same issues?

51 thoughts on “Anybody Else Relate To This?

  1. I have the same perspective, don’t know if mine is on the same level as everyone else, for me, part of it is residual from last year, part of it is trusting very few people.

  2. Yep, I can relate. I haven’t been to motivated since my dad croaked back in 2016.
    I recently got a kick in the the shorts to reengage reality two weeks ago when my wife had a stroke at 50, now I dote on her more than ever before. And yes she got that damn clotshot after being pressured by her family and her work, i begged her not to. 50 years old with no fucking family history of that shit! Really! Rant/ off.


    • I’m so sorry for you. My lady was able to resist the shot. They fired her. So she retired. She’s fine. My mom and sibs have all taken the clot shot. Mostly because of pressure from work. my mom because she’s old, two work in hospitals, one in schools, and one who wanted to go on a flight. I am a pure blood. I worry about my family.

  3. He’s describing clinical depression. And yeah, who wouldn’t be depressed in late 2024? (No this is not a “wah, I have sand in my vagina” thing. If you’re at all paying attention and you’re NOT depressed then there is something wrong with your brane.)

  4. I can certainly entertain that idea seriously. Even making a real effort to eat better, the American diet is constantly challenged by the presence of shit like seed oils, HFCS and all manor of junk ingredients in nearly anything preprepared or packaged. I no longer use seed oils, having taken to using pure unadulterated olive oil (and at considerably added expense, I might add) for anything I’m making at home that requires oil as an ingredient.

    But most stuff in the grocery store outside of basic meat and vegetables has been adulterated with stuff that isn’t good for us, as has damn near everything one can get in a restaurant. That makes eating meals out nearly impossible if one is genuinely trying to avoid shittiness in their food.

    Speaking for myself, the lack of energy and motivation can be ascribed to the additional issues of working in a construction trade, age slowing me down, weight gain (not terrible, but probably 20-25 pounds over ideal weight), difficulty sleeping due to periodic pain, and undoubtedly a certain amount of cynicism and even a bit of depression over the state of things, and the unease of knowing deep down what is coming.

    The general pressure of living in such a dysfunctional society (and being closely tuned to it, whereas NPC’s seem able to simply blow it all off and remain perpetually focused on stupid distractions). Put all that together, and it’s no wonder my mindset is isn’t always conducive to being healthy, happy and productive. And yet I do what I have to do, day in and day out. Just doesn’t leave much energy or desire to do much else, that’s for sure.

    I can say for certain that my motivation and general outlook has declined in the post-COVID era, and I believe a lot of it is having had to accept the reality head on that so many people are just unreachable total fucking morons, and a good subset of them are also vindictive authoritarian pricks who actively and intentionally seek to make my life ever more miserable by their exerting control on the levers of society. I knew all that before COVID of course, but it was somehow easier then to engage in a certain amount of denial regarding how bad it truly was. Now it has been irreversibly brought to the forefront. The recognition that it can’t – and won’t – ever get better unless scores of people who can’t hope to learn by dint of their own shortcomings are going to have to be dispensed with before any improvement can be with really sours things.

    So yeah, there’s a laundry list of reasons for my personal malaise. I suspect I’ll find a lot of company in that.

      • Well brother, I figure that which ails me probably ails most White American men of my generation and station to one extent or another. And I don’t think there is any shame in admitting we aren’t all such completely hardened bastards that we can be completely impervious to all the insults and injuries heaped upon us.

        We are constantly challenged and undercut – even hated – by the government, many of our women, and even some men who should know better, but whose thinking has been co-opted by the left.

        Guys like tampon timmy of the stolen valor are a perfect example of these soft – but dangerously subversive – little shits. So too are the C class executives of so many major corps, who define the term “limousine liberal”. Tampon timmy is a white guy – ex-military no less – who is every bit the equal of gretchen whitmer in his destructive ideology and policy making. A true male Karen if ever there was one. He, and plenty more like him, work against our interests and create an untenable situation for us.

        As CederQ alludes to further down thread from here, we’ve come to a point where we will have to take on and destroy all these sonsabitches with extreme prejudice if we want a functional civilization ever again. It isn’t so much the product of an unwillingness to do so, but just knowing that is our destiny wears on our minds. Or at least it does on mine.

        • Everything you brought up, PLUS, 5g, all the gee’s, EM’s of every frequency and persuasion causing ALL kinds of physical and psychological effects. Got any food, water, air (still doubt chem trails?), vaxxine borne poisons in yer system? Well, not so happy campers, EM’s enhance and activate maladies, because the evil phuquers have planned it all out, starting long age.
          I feel this shit too, out here in the back woods of Tennessee. BUT, there is a weapons grade cell tower 2 miles to my south and another one 5 miles to my southwest, both servicing the I 40 freeway corridor. The cell (and other radio frequency systems) have been weaponized, they are remotely controllable for power and frequency. Why would a little 8″ by 10″ by 3 ft. cell transmitter need 2+inch cables supplying them? Most of the time they don’t need them, but they are there to run them up to weapon grade power.
          Ever notice how the freeway sometimes can’t get over 60+mph? and other times everybody’s going 80 mph? I have. I have a long drive to Nashville to go to the VA and I see distinct changes in mass behavior (notice a big up tic in aggressive driving?). On the “slow” days, I’m in danger of nodding off (not my MO) and crash for hours when I get home. On fast days, I’m alive. Conspiracy Noticers are WAY ahead of the nay sayers at this point. You opinion may vary, that’s fine, I only have issues with Socialists (commies) and blind/deluded, fool/normies.
          P.S. It’s too late to vote our way out of this mess.
          Graham Kill House Rules apply from here on. Find them, put them into effect. Rule no. 1, Nobody is coming to save you. I may be neuro divergent, but I love the fellow misfits that show up here!

    • +1 Big Ruckus D

      Especially lately. No motivation at all. Just gotta keep getting up and getting the job done. I especially enjoy alone time away from everyone.

      I wonder if there is the sixth sense of impending doom that people are feeling?

      • Absolutely. My wife has some pre-cog abilities, however minor, and has been sleeping for shit the last two weeks.

        Nightmares of shooting and being shot, the news of the apartment takeover in Chicago yesterday flipped her freak-out switch and I had to talk her out of a panic attack.

  5. Maybe low testosterone level?
    It’s worth checking.
    I also agree with the comments above about too much screen time, diet, and awareness of the crap going on in today’s society can become overwhelming.

  6. There is some depression but it is not clinical at this point. I noticed he was chunky which would cause some lack of motivation if he wasn’t prone to a lot of exercise. The main culprit is low T and possibly low T4 levels, again, noticed he is chunky, that is an indicator. The bigger culprit is all the soy and estrogen, which soy mimics and is close to estrogen’s chemical make up. Glyphosates and organophosphates are used in herbicides and insecticides and phosphates are used in the meat industry to break down meat proteins. All of these phosphates will inhibit receptors for testosterone uptake. With all the soy and estrogenic compounds in our food and soda and even beer and coffee we are turning into low level males and the results are described like this guy, no energy, no impulse to start and finish a project, lazy and disorganized thinking.

    Not only are we are going to have to fight the politicians, a civil war and become vigilantes to turn back the invaders, also the corporations that manufacture our foods and provide “fresh” meat and vegetables and fruits that load up all the crap they are adding to the food supply.

  7. Agreed.
    But I feel it’s the information coming in that’s sapping my motivation.
    Why do anything if “they” are just gonna burn it all down.

  8. Why the beat down on “foods”? You should be able to control whether you want to eat healthy or not. Not talking about Organic, that’s just fraud on gullible people.
    I drink about a gallon of whole milk a day, I’m 15 pounds heavier than in my youth. But also 15 pounds lighter than when I was drinking heavily.
    The Lovely wife likes to look down while drinking diet soda. But she’s 80 pounds over her youth, never a drinker, and blissfully thinking she’s living “healthy”.
    The joke of the day is Kneepads “Joy”.
    But we really need to find something in life to bring to each person “joy”.
    Maybe video dude needs to go fishin’.
    Or get laid.
    Cuz if he feels this way at 30, he’s really going to be hating 50’s, 60’s or older.

  9. You ever notice how humans interact with each other now is different than before computers?
    We were much more friendly with each other before computers.
    We used to laugh at each other before computers.
    Now, they shoot you for the shit you say.
    So much for freedom of speech
    I think the root of the problem is, computers.

  10. I’m glad we are sufficiently self-actualized to openly and honestly discuss our feelings.

    • Very good, story songs are the best. What a lovely lady.

  11. Speaking just for myself, at seventy four I have escaped that pit. A bit over eighteen months ago I started eating carnivore, since that time i have lost over one hundred and thirty lbs and cleared up a number of serious health problems. Also changed my mood and overall mental state. I retired due to health issues four years ago and am now thinking about going back to work, at least part time.
    I am not alone at this, there are thousands of comments on various You Tube channels with people reporting the same kind of results. Changing the diet to one ancestrally appropriate has changed my life.

  12. I’m rapidly approaching 78, and I know I’m unusual for someone my age, but I manage to get up every morning, hit the gym for a HARD workout 5 days a week, engage in a lot of different activities, one of which is playing music in some Old Time jams and I’m currently learning how to play Old Time fiddle to add to my other instruments — guitar, banjo, mandolin, and others.

    I do see lethargy around me, especially among my peers and age cohort… a lot of them simply have no motivation to do anything. The man in the video above seriously needs to get some intervention.

  13. Let’s see…chem spraying clouds above us, ground water polluted with pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, food contaminated with all of the afore mentioned stuff. Social media producing propaganda. TV “programing”. Inflation worse since Jimmy Carter. Racial strife. Religious intolerance against Christians. Countries borders unprotected . Taxes rising for state, federal, and local governments. Who is running the country? Multiple health issues from ingesting the food, water and air. Why again is this man depressed? Finding a river and seeking solace seems like a grand idea. The other alternative is to start or join a militia and become a patriot much like the signers of the Constitution/Declaration of Independence did. Tempus Fugit.

  14. Recently, dental anesthetic was tested and found to contain Graphine Oxide. This is the stuff we were assured was NOT in the Vaxx. It also is being studied more and was found to be the basis for five different self assembling nano structures at the center of the large fibrous clots that embalmers are taking out of arteries and veins.

    If the conspiracy theory guy says don’t take any shot and start looking to remediate for the likely poisons you have taken since 2020, do you pay attention or go down and get the NEW, IMPROVED COVID shot that is so safe they didn’t need testing or data or anything?

    But yes, I feel the same and that is with no shots or treatments since before the COVID. Very isolated so no spike protein transfer either.

  15. Or it could be that we’ve been staggering from disaster to disaster for the last 4 years and we’re all just worn out from that.

    The irony is that I think there is far worse coming,but I’m so worn out from dealing with what’s been going on that I can hardly get ready for the worse stuff coming down the pike.

    Maybe it’s because we look around and see all the stuff we warned about coming true, everyone bemoans it, but nothing seems to happen to change it. Illegal invaders are a case in point, but also the failure of Rule of Law, and a shift from a free society to a politically oppressive one, where people have to watch what they say, give lip service to lies, and sit and take it while their world degrades around them.

    When people get tired enough, they’ll lash out and there will be an orgy of violence, but it will be unfocused, and maybe too little too late. I’m not looking forward to that, or the aftermath.


    • “staggering from disaster to disaster”….this was my thought while watching the video. There is something called “crisis paralysis” where people are overwhelmed by a disaster and they cannot manage productive action or make decisions. You see it in disaster sites. Perhaps we have low grade/small “disasters” happening one after another, so fast that the symptoms he speaks about are manifesting. I see it in myself a little bit lately, too.

  16. here here. december 2022 was working on a job where the whole family got there boosters. some weeks later my feet started swelling. by march had no energy and swollen feet among other ailments. mid june bedridden 3 days unloading crap from my sinuses. still weak with [i think] blod clots but human primary provider could care less. after bedridden my attitude is very bad. air is garbage, food is garbage, water is garbage. i grow weary of vegetables that taste like sheet. depression? probably. my immediate family i try to warn about things but usually ignored. i see illegals getting three-four times a month more than my SS pays out after 32-33 years working on my feet. but there is still a sense of divine intervention soon. time tells all.

    • Boosters=clot shot=kill shot. Propaganda (advertising) works, that’s why they spend billions of dollars a year on it. Sorry, you’re there now, you’re not alone, 70 to 80% of the US also got the jab. Holistic detox methods seem to work rather well against the debilitating effects of the jab, along with Ivermectin and other verboten remedies. It takes digging into various rabbit holes to find this info. Hint you won’t find it on Giggle. It’s been censored into Mis/Dis information these days. Good luck.

      • yeah i was fortunate to have work where it was mostly myself working and rarely in contact with people.but isolation was impossible on the job. and I had to finish the jobs. with so many vexxed i new eventually i would be shed on. I’ve tried ivermectin although it might have been low potency. and c60 did nothing. still searching for a humana system primary provider or other that is even open to discussion on this topic. probably is not going to happen. my primary provider sure wasn’t amiable to any discussion. next up is a neurologist. take care.

        • We take the apple flavored horse paste twice a month, it’s a good preventive, good for a myriad of ailments (parasites, flu, others), with almost no side effects. Not dosage size sensitive, like no penalty for doubling the dose. It’s 9 or 10 bucks at the co-op.
          We also, almost never eat out. Eat balanced, avoid processed, boxed stuff. I only trust conventional doctors with ortho, glasses and surgery related stuff. For everything else, they prescribe some synthetic Rx bullshit, guaranteed to not cure you. Curing patients is not a good business plan.

          • i think i will try the paste. i doubt any doc will prescribe high quality ivermectin for me. much appreciated.

  17. It’s due to the negative vibes created by this country’s gradual descent into Communist Hell, and the population being transformed into an enslaved peasantry.
    The justice system is rigged against honest, law-abiding individuals. Your worth to the “elite” Global Socialists is less than a discarded snot rag. Everyone is now routinely milked by the Central Banksters and their confiscatory taxation at all levels. down to their last penny, thus destroying hopes of an enjoyable, productive, meaningful future.
    The American dream is obviously dead. Our families and precious children, culture, history, religion, and our sacred Constitution and GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS are being intentionally, systematically destroyed.
    Read the Communist Manifesto, and watch the youtube video by Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector. He explains the entire process of undermining and destroying a nation, its culture, and its people.

    • Wow,
      Man I can’t even waste a rant on you, you are that stupid.
      Dude see’s a problem and calls it out and the best your sorry ass can come up with is that he must be a (democrat) You are a pathetic self absorbed twat!
      Fuck you Mark!

  18. They want us to believe that we’re the crazy ones, that we’re the minority, but it’s the exact opposite. Get off the screens, go interact with people, and start eating real food.

    America is a victim of its own success. Humans need to be tested, to face trials, in order to find the correct path. Embrace the suck. Freedom is worth fighting for.

    James 1:2-4
    Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

    Matthew 7:13-14
    Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

  19. Lotta smart folks here, I should have read the whole thread before commenting.
    Roger this!^^^ is my “like button”.

  20. I’m not lacking motivation. What I am experiencing is a slow burning anger at the bullshit from our politicians, the media, etc. I agree about the garbage in our food. Our grocery bill is up a lot because we stay away from convenient and snack foods. This gives us less to spend on meals out, but I’m OK with that.

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