10 thoughts on “Any war we been in since Nam… the same message.

  1. Really damn sad. 20 years and trillions in A-stan to keep the taliban in power and provide them with oodles of weapons and money on the way out. I don’t know how countries can survive doing shit like that,

  2. I used to have one of those back in the early 1970’s . they used to sell them off post outside good old ft. campbell back in the day. lots of pissed off vets back there at that time. I learned a lot for those guys back then. lot of it was not ok with the army rules at the time. they taught us how to fight and live afterwards.
    fuck the rules was the main theme back then. hoe to booby traps, hand to hand, again , fuck the rules. point shooting and a few other things about getting a edge over anyone. the 3rd birgade was where they dumped the “bad boys” back then.
    a strict no hard booze rule was in place too, anyone caught with it got a automatic article 15. those guys got really pissed when they pulled jump status on them as well. army didn’t pay shit back then too.

    • Best training I got was men that served in Nam, they always said forget what you learned in Basic, here is the way to fight and stay alive. Fight dirty and fuck dirty and yes fuck the rules cuz’ the other side is.

    • dave, my mother is from Canonsburg, PA I believe in Houston County, Southwest of Pittsburg.

      • No shit! Today I met my first Canonsburg, PA native, at the medical conference I’m attending. Nice college kid.

        • Ask him if he knows, Olson, Thompson or Rogers still in that area would you Mike_C?

      • grew up on the streets of philly. draft was still blowing back then. joined up to get a choice instead of being sent somewhere I didn’t want to go. not much choice for inner city kids back then. lots of philly kids got drafted right off the block back then. left philly after my parents passed and move into the laurel highlands, about a hour from rt.99 .
        there are a lot of vets up this way. lot of peace and quiet up here as well. a whole lot of them are ex airborne and the like as well. plus a large dose of marines, good guys to be around. people around here don’t start shit either.
        by and large, mostly quiet guys working and being kind to each other, just don’t be stupid and think they are pushovers as you will find yourself mistaken rather fast.
        a very good place to live. almost like back in time when compared to the shit show elsewhere these days.

        • You were on the other side of the state, have kin around Canonsburg SW of Pittsburg.

    • I learned a whole lot about myself I really didn’t want to know..
      one time about 30 years ago, I handled a “problem” and my mom saw me do it. she called me ruthless and cold blooded the way I handled it. but the assholes in the area never fucked with my parents again as long as they lived. and there are a lot of assholes in philly.

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