Another Trip Through The Donut

I wanna say this was Cat Scan #3 for me over the years.

It’s gettin’ to be old hat.

Except this time the pretty lady injected some Contrast bullshit into the IV right before I went back through again and it was a weird, almost full body Hot Flash that started in my lungs and went all the way to my toes in about thirty seconds.


So that was about an hour ago, they are looking for blockages in my circulation system.

My money says they find at least 4.

3, I already know about.

Both Femoral arteries are completely plugged up in my upper thighs and from what I gather, in the right leg there is also some little one that branches off and runs around the the right cheek of my ass that is also plugged up.

There was mumblings about that one potentially being a problem because it hangs a hard 90 degree right turn and it’s difficult to get anything started in there to get it unplugged.

I’m betting they are also going to find at least one plugged up real good around my heart because if the ones in my legs are plugged up, the ones around my heart are more than likely choked off too.

According to the Ex- Spurts.


Now I wait for some specialist to look these pictures over and see what they can see.

I started in with this doctor crap clear back in April.

By May, they already knew that both legs were plugged up because of an Ultra Sound test.

You would think, or maybe it’s just me, that they would have scheduled this fucking Cat Scan clear back in June, right?

Oh Fuck No.

Nope, instead they fiddle fucked around with more tests, scheduled appointments with other doctors that took 3 months to see and finally, FIVE FULL MONTHS LATER, schedule me to see a Vascular Surgeon. Who IMMEDIATELY kicked the can down the road and wants me to do some kind of Cardio Walking Therapy, on top of taking more freaking pills, because she is skeered that surgery may turn out with me losing one or both legs, because reasons.

The biggest load of horse shit yet.

They do Angioplastic surgery and install stents in peoples arteries every fucking day in this country alone.

Milking my insurance and my patience is what she is doing.

Trust me when I say, I have already unloaded on every one of these fucking doctors already for dragging this shit out.

Makes no difference.

They have their game and they are sticking to the playbook.

Shut up, show up and get your wallet out when we tell you to.

Motherfuckers anyway.

So that’s how my day ended after working all day.

Now The Wifely Unit has some fucking Doctor appointment tomorrow for something and I had to take the day off to care for our autistic son.

Looking on the bright side, I get a 3 day weekend out of the deal.

24 thoughts on “Another Trip Through The Donut

  1. Ferchissakes. Like, yer s’posed to exercise the blockage away? As if you aren’t already on your feet all day at work?

    One thing might be going on, is that the insurance companies don’t want to shell out the big bucks for surgery, if cheaper therapies are available. So it can take some work on the part of the doc to make the case for medical necessity. Sounds as if little Ms. surgeon isn’t up to the task. I’m thinking maybe a 2nd opinion is in order.

    Sounds as if the fuckers are going to drag it out until your deductible resets.

  2. The problem is mostly with the insurance idiots. Back in 2004 I had a pinched nerve that woke me from a sound sleep when I was camping near Boon, NC. I recognized what it was when it woke me up. The symptoms are unmistakable.

    The insurance company, however, required that I heve nerve conduction tests. The Physical Medicine specialist recognized the problem immediately when he started what I call the “pin tests.” They start poking pins in you at various places up the arm and base of the neck. When the fist pin was pushed in, the sound coming out of the speaker screamed Pinched nerve, and both the Doc and I said simultaneously, “Pinched Nerve.”

    So after $1800 of conduction tests, I then got to get the MRI, which was going to be required by the Neuro Surgeon, and which was also going to show pinched nerve. That was another $1800 dollars. Like it or not, the insurance idiots are practicing medicine without a license and too many Docs won’t call them on it.

    I heard about one Doc that called the Insurance company of his patient and gave them two choices, pay for the actual tests and needed procedure, or go before the courts for practicing medicine without a license. They paid. Now I’d like to find out the company, not that it would matter for me as I am now on Medicare and supplements.

  3. went thru the same bullshit with my back. we try this or maybe that and it will help.
    as you say, a crock of shit. one clown wanted to see if PT would drive my 3 disc’s back in place (???) anyway. had to go under the knife to get some relief.
    and then the pills. and more pills. anyway. got it down to okay level of pain.
    problem is you do some work for maybe 1-2 hours and then need 2-3 days to recover. that sucks bigtime. and you are right about the stents. at the VA they did them like every 2 weeks or so. had to go up and run the C-arm for them.
    they did 2-3 a day back then. it was no big deal really.
    sounds like they fucking with you. could be your insurance too. you have no idea how bad I hate Blue cross. really, it shit goes south, I might go hunting the bastards. that is how bad they are. funny , other people swear by them ?
    wish you well with it. remember this, do not grab some asshole’s head and beat
    a hole in the wall with it. that never works out well in the end. but it will make you feel better !

  4. I am so very sorry you are going through all this Phil. My prayers and very best wishes for you. Not to sound selfish, but we need you good man, so get well. The true, unadulterated, voice crying in the wilderness.

    Navigating the healthcare system is not for the faint of heart. But I have no doubt that you can unsheathe those swords and slay that mother fucking dragon.

    Take care Phil. Going on a sabbatical. See ya around.

    • I appreciate the kind words.
      You might want to stay tuned a bit longer, I have the results from the scan and it is way, way worse than even I imagined.
      I am waiting for CederQ to translate the Medicalese into layman’s terms so I can relate it better.

  5. I had three stents put in about 18 hours after I went into Urgent Care for chest pains.

    Now I’m waiting for the upcoming “Roto-Rooter”, aka TURP, surgery coming up in a few weeks. I’ve had this issue for six months now, and they’re finally going to do what I had thought they’d do six months ago….

    Hang in there Phil. You’re too damn ornery to do otherwise!

  6. It’s been a porcine coital interlude since Jug Ears farked it in the arse. Used to be when I got sick, I called MY Dr. and they would say, Come on down for a visit. Now? Nope. Have to go to the “Walk-In” clinic that’s “Associated With” the massive corporate conglomerate that MY Dr. now works for.

    Don’t even get me started on how MY Dr. no longer manages MY Healthcare. I was going on vacation and needed to get a particular script refilled early. Yes, it’s a PAIN patch. Yes, it’s a controlled substance. YES I GET IT… so… I GET the SPECIAL DISPENSATION from MY DOCTOR.

    Go to pick it up…. Yep. REJECTED by the Insurance Co. Why? TOO EARLY. I don’t have time to fark around with “appeals” and all that other BS, I’m leaving for vacation and as far as I am concerned I’ve already done my due diligence getting the early refill authorized by MR DR.


    I like the other comments about taking insurers to task about practicing medicine without a license…. I might just have to use that should the need arise.

    Phil, I hope everything works out for you. I get the donut myself annually because _former smoker_ but I’m going to put the stop to that as it’s been almost 20 years. Who needs all that radiation.

    As to the contrast I’m surprised you didn’t add in the warm fuzzy feeling right smack in the grundel. Always fun, that!

    Feel better. Gotta wonder if there’s the cardio vascular equivalent to Liquid Plumbr out there. Probably is…. but just the thought of it sounds disturbing.

  7. Hope everything goes good. I’ve had similar insurance runarounds on other stuff, and it’s a pain in the ass.

    Did they do a CAC scan? Coronary artery calcium? Supposed to be the best test for determining heart attack risk, but not enough medical people know enough about it. Maybe that’s changing.

    Hour long TV show on it:

  8. Insurance is the problem. If there was no insurance, and we were able to negotiate costs with them, it would be done by now. I got some shots in my eye, insurance won’t cover that cause they say it’s the wrong medicine. Fuckers.

  9. “Milking my insurance and my patience is what she is doing.”

    Seems to be very prevalent in the last twenty years or so. Even the VA is doing the same thing.

    From what I remember back in the day, your GP was a lot more competent than most of the fools that pass as Dr’s these days.

    One would think that with all of the “advances in modern medicine” they would have found a drug that dissolves those blockages. ‘Course that would stop the money train associated with all of the “procedures” going to the “specialists”, so that’s a no.

  10. Hang in there Phil. In the meantime, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Jeffery in Alabama

  11. Hip replacement in my near future. Some bungling in passing records and scheduling between my primary doc and the sturgeon. I gnawed at the primary doc this morning during a regular visit. Oh well, yada-yada, these things happen, things fall thru the cracks…….I said, OK, but it’s my ass in the crack and meanwhile you people just added a month of my pain to the process.

    Fuckers would move quicker if it was their ass in the crack, but it ain’t so they ain’t.

    Not as bad a situation as yours Phil, but I definitely get it.

  12. Prayers up as usual for you brother. Make your peace and May we all have great days ahead on this earth.

    Oh, and fuck these doctors

  13. Sorry to hear it. I’ve been going through the same shit since I had a stroke in January. Anyone who voted for obama owns this as this Obama Care is what they wanted and now we have it . You will be in my prayers. —ken

  14. I see that some of you have had the fun and exciting experience of the “hot flash” (and let’s not forget the “scrotum warmth” syndrome) of the contrast dye injection during the CAT scans…

    Soooooooo very much fun, I could spit.

    • Ya know, “scrotum warmth” is not a normal reaction to contrast dyes… You might want to get that checked. I’d say a hot flush, followed by a heater core replacement is warranted.

  15. There is something about a MRI that makes your body feel good all over. I had a rotator cuff tear that was identified by an MRI. The nurse running the MRI machine was our kids babysitter when they were young and she was in school. I made the comment that I felt better after an MRI and she invited me to come back every two weeks for about 6 months. It got rid of every ache and pain that I had after I had rotator cuff surgery.

  16. One reason that a surgeon might seem reluctant to actually do surgery is because the risk factor is so high they think the benefits are outweighed by the risks.
    And generally you can’t evaluate the peripheral vasculature…your leg arteries, at the same time as the coronary arteries. Those studies are done separately requiring a separate contrast injection. Nowadays we use iso osmolar non ionic contrast. In the good old days the contrast made the vast majority of patients very nauseous. The new stuff much less so.

  17. Those damn doctors with their proven-to-work medicine!

    Maybe you should try prayer instead? That has a proven track recor……oh wait, maybe just stick with the modern medicine, eh?!

    Or prayer and curse God in a few years for taking waaaaaaay to long to get back to you!

    Modern medicine certainly ain’t perfect and the health services slow as f%&k, but they’re quicker than requests to the divine being.

    Next time modern medicine saves your life, or the life of a loved one, try thanking the doctor/surgeon that actually saved your life, rather than the sky fairy that either did nothing at all (at best) or gave you/them the illness in the first place!

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