Yah. According to articles I’ve been reading on news sites else where, the deep state machine is putting some ‘severe’ roadblocks in place to thwart Trump’s agenda. The newest is some kind of protection from deportation that is supposed to apply to 1.5-2.0M illegals according to the article. I think Tom Homan is probably going to tell the Demonrats to sue him while giving them the one fingered salute and doing the job he’s been assigned.
That article also indicated that Border Patrol is going to set up a Hot Line so citizens can help identify people to be rounded up. Won’t that frost some balls. I hope they do it. I can hear Demonrat heads exploding already.
I’m just waiting for Homan to roll up on some of these mouthy Demonrat governors and big city shit hole mayors at zero dark thirty to arrest them for obstruction and perp walk them to the paddy wagon in front of a million cameras. I can think of two in a state to my south that need that wake TF up call. The Demonrats will conveniently forget that they set the precedent with the Mar A Lago raid.
There was another article about Bribem putting some kind of restrictions on firing people at Treasury. The article was dealing with the $37T debt. The firing restrictions had to do with Treasury and the Fed printing more money to fund .gov. There was also a brief reference to them crashing the economy sometime before spring.
Then there’s the anti off shore drilling moratorium Bribem put in place last week and the noise about the “incompetent people” Trump is going install in cabinet positions. They’re just scared shitless that Trump and his cabinet officers are going to not only fire them, as they should, but expose their shenanigans and possible criminal activity.
The only thing I have a to say about that is whatever executive orders Bribem puts in place can be undone by another executive order. He proved that by undoing everything Trump had put in place during his first tenure on Bribem’s first day and he was proud of it. Gleeful even, grinning like the Cheshire cat after signing, as I recall, even though he probably no idea what he was signing. Azzhole.
Again, go to LA (or NY) and ask the question.
Yah. According to articles I’ve been reading on news sites else where, the deep state machine is putting some ‘severe’ roadblocks in place to thwart Trump’s agenda. The newest is some kind of protection from deportation that is supposed to apply to 1.5-2.0M illegals according to the article. I think Tom Homan is probably going to tell the Demonrats to sue him while giving them the one fingered salute and doing the job he’s been assigned.
That article also indicated that Border Patrol is going to set up a Hot Line so citizens can help identify people to be rounded up. Won’t that frost some balls. I hope they do it. I can hear Demonrat heads exploding already.
I’m just waiting for Homan to roll up on some of these mouthy Demonrat governors and big city shit hole mayors at zero dark thirty to arrest them for obstruction and perp walk them to the paddy wagon in front of a million cameras. I can think of two in a state to my south that need that wake TF up call. The Demonrats will conveniently forget that they set the precedent with the Mar A Lago raid.
There was another article about Bribem putting some kind of restrictions on firing people at Treasury. The article was dealing with the $37T debt. The firing restrictions had to do with Treasury and the Fed printing more money to fund .gov. There was also a brief reference to them crashing the economy sometime before spring.
Then there’s the anti off shore drilling moratorium Bribem put in place last week and the noise about the “incompetent people” Trump is going install in cabinet positions. They’re just scared shitless that Trump and his cabinet officers are going to not only fire them, as they should, but expose their shenanigans and possible criminal activity.
The only thing I have a to say about that is whatever executive orders Bribem puts in place can be undone by another executive order. He proved that by undoing everything Trump had put in place during his first tenure on Bribem’s first day and he was proud of it. Gleeful even, grinning like the Cheshire cat after signing, as I recall, even though he probably no idea what he was signing. Azzhole.
I miss the days when pols pretended to respect US citizens.
Bill Murray on the good old days.