Another One Realizes That Virtue Signaling Doesn’t Actually Accomplish A Damn Thing When Shit Gets Real

No Lesbians, Gays, Blue Haired and face pierced freaks, no Trans activists, no Justice or Rainbow Warriors.

Just hardcore Far Right Extremist, Domestic Terrorist, Republicans jumped in to help the people displaced by the recent Hurricanes.

What a fucking surprise.

It was for her,

13 thoughts on “Another One Realizes That Virtue Signaling Doesn’t Actually Accomplish A Damn Thing When Shit Gets Real

  1. Her name is Emma Churchman? and her @ name is yepimaconservative? Not wjth that mindset, miss pinched face, she will still vote as Rick said, and wonder why very few people want to talk with her.

  2. After she spreads her legs for the bad boys she wants her god loving father to defy “The Law” and deal with her bad choices in sexual partners. IE: Murder them.

  3. Another thread that I have seen a very large number of is various minorities, but usually black or hispanic, that say they somehow got into a situation of being surrounded by conservatives or Trump supporters and suddenly realized how wrong the conservatives have been labelled. Nobody wanted to kill them or even kick them out; they just treated them like plain old folks.

    I couldn’t tell you how many videos like that I’ve seen.

  4. the problem with the Libs is that they forget that REAL men live for adversity, that’s the HELL YEA in most men. the greater the problem is the more focused we are on solving the problem. it’s just ingrained in our psyche. it has been for millions of years. that’s why our species has not died out by now. in the middle ages it was called chivalry, sadly that’s a lost word now. it’s called redneck now, respect and service to others and no fucks given if some blue hair rainbow freak likes it or not.
    sadly many will not understand this post.
    practice CHIVALRY men, if you don’t know what it means- please look it up.

  5. It’s not anywhere near universal, but there seems to be a flicker of realization among the raging leftists that, just maybe they have been lied to.

    Woman at work upset about the election results, carrying on about all of the rights she was going to lose on on 1/20/25. Stopped her dead in her tracks with the statement “You do know, that Trump was president before”. The shocked look on her face when she realized that life didn’t end, told it all.

    Not everyone will figure it out, but some will.
    Might be our best hope.

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