Another Light Comes On

I’m seeing more and more of these.

People are really starting to notice the desperation and the all out war against Trump and anything within his sphere that has screamed past anything even remotely considered legitimate.

These Demoncrats and their enabling MSM minions have started blasting their toes off at an increasing pace and it’s because they are petrified of Donald Trump.

20 thoughts on “Another Light Comes On

  1. I’m glad she’s starting to catch up but she’s a little slow. I can remember the time years ago when I started realizing how many lies I’d been told and how many things I thought I knew were actually wrong.

  2. I keep reading Atlas Shrugged every 6 months. Explaines almost everything that is going on now in the gubbermint and with ALL libturds. It even explains why the libturd is the way it is.
    Ayn Rand is a prophet from the 1950″s, with her books. Changed the way I look at all gubbermints around the world.
    We should make a statue of her to her and her works of wonder.
    Merry Thanksgiving to all of you out there that deserve it, you know who you are.

    • Be careful who you admire. Rand was a hard core atheist, militantly pro-abortion, and avowed libertine. Other than that she’s a great person.

      • +1

        Rand was a terrible person. You know those resentment-filled, power-hungry and murderous Eastern European Jews who played the largest role in the creation of the USSR and the untold deaths and suffering and misery resulting therefrom? Rand was very much like them at heart (not to mention genetically). She expressed it differently, but her “heroes” of Galt’s Gulch are as monstrous as anything the Politburo and NKVD had, and Rand’s view of how the world should be was as wrong (regarding human nature, and joy, and transcendence) as the world view of Marx and Lenin and Stalin.

        I don’t have a problem with atheism nor even abortion (though I’d strongly prefer women not have unwanted pregnancies in the first place). My objection to Rand is that her world view is fundamentally INhuman. She was a terrible narcissist and her bullshit was an attempt to justify her psychopathology.

        And I’m a guy who was all in on Objectivism in high school. (And I still think “Anthem” is a beautiful work.)

        This essay by Bob Wallace says it better than I can:

        • Interesting essay.
          On a lighter note:
          “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”…John Rogers

      • Nothing brings out the inner gurlbaby in the intellectual dwarfs like the mention of “that woman”.

        None of them have the bandwidth to read her books, so like good little slaves they scorn others that have.


  3. Why is it that all of these so called commenters/pundits/whatever the hell you want to call them, make vids, on their phones, inside their cars? Do they not know that turning off location services does away with the location stamp on their vid or is it that they really don’t want us to see what a mess their homes are, reflecting negatively on what boolshite they’re spewing at the moment.

    As to what she said, duh. Finally waking up to the fact that the current goobermint is not on the same side as The People after almost three years? Some of us knew that on Jan 22, 2021 when Bribem signed THIRTY Executive Orders overturning everything that President Trump had put in place to Make America Great Again.

    Energy prices, the major input to powering an economy, jumped 3X overnight and only recovered somewhat when Bribem started selling our national oil stockpile to the Chinese, instead of allowing new oil and Nat. gas permits and canceling others already in place. That should have been your first clue.

    Nice to see that you somewhat FINALLY woke TF up sweetheart.

  4. The horse has already left the barn, and Libturds are JUST NOW noticing it?

    I Told You So just doesn’t begin to cover it, now does it?!?

    Heavy, heavy sigh.

    Welcome to the party, sweetums.

  5. Somebody should really blow her mind and send her to Anonymous Conservative’s surveillance page.

    • BC, there’s a lot more Tards out there that WILL wake up. We need them all. Better late than never.

      • Would you want her on your team, I would not. Especially female, they change their mind with the tick of a watch.

  6. Obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. But hey, even the blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut.

  7. She reminds me of the typical Karen that gave us all the stinkeye for not wearing a mask or social distancing, while gloating about how she was up to date boosted.
    Fuck them.
    I don’t care if they’re “waking up”. Because the next big “thing” will get them just as worked up and obnoxious to be around. These morons waking up are still morons. In fact, they’re really sociopaths with a low IQ and should be systematically removed and banished from civilised society.
    When things get bad I will not help these fools. Helping them will kill you; they bring nothing of value to the table.

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