And There It Is (Breaking News)

NBC just broke in after a football game to inform us that Joe Fucking Biden is pardoning his Crackhead Pedo son Hunter.

Here is the sauce from CNN,

President Biden pardons his son Hunter Biden

By Marshall Cohen, CNN

Published 7:32 PM EST, Sun December 1, 2024

WashingtonCNN — 

President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he pardoned his son Hunter Biden, who was convicted earlier this year of federal gun and tax crimes.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

Like nobody saw this coming, here is my shocked face.

13 thoughts on “And There It Is (Breaking News)

  1. Simple solution. He’s also guilty of multiple crimes at the state level. Pedo Joe has no power to pardon for state crimes/convictions.

    • simple. hunter is freaking out bigtime !
      and all of those phone calls to mom saying “get dad to do it”
      or, there a very good chance he said if you don’t. I going to rat you out to everyone !
      just wait until Jan 22 and then get every DA in the red states to go after their asses ! God knows they have tons of shit to charge his ass with just off his fucking laptop !
      add in bank records and NSA taps ? yeah. if they want to ,they can hang them by their balls. or maybe better yet. pull the SS protection away and let them spin in the wind.

    • Maybe pedo joey lacks confidence he will be alive (and/or still holding office) until then. The former is a possibility just because of his age and condition. The latter seems unlikely to happen unless he dies, but hell, I guess anything is possible on this screwed up timeline.

  2. It just occurred to me that this means he’ll forever be guilty of those federal crimes. Nothing he can say will ever trump ‘being pardoned by daddy.’
    And, of course, he can posess a gun again.

  3. You don’t think he we’ll be less law abiding now? I think he will keep on being a criminal addict till he bottoms out. So plenty of time to get him on future crimes.

    • If he hits bottom, maybe he ends up dead of an OD, or shot if the face by some dealer or hooker he got into an altercation with. That’d be real justice, and an outcome I could live with (after having a solid laugh over it).

      Just please let it happen while pedo joey is still alive. I really want to see that evil old sack of shit truly broken, and I figure that’d do it. Yeah, I can be a mean spirited sumbitch, when somebody deserves it

  4. The statement his brain trust put out says it was a political prosecution so he’s right to pardon his crack head son.
    Whatever the Dems accuse others of doing is what they’re doing.
    He who smelt it, dealt it.

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