And There It Is (Breaking News)

NBC just broke in after a football game to inform us that Joe Fucking Biden is pardoning his Crackhead Pedo son Hunter.

Here is the sauce from CNN,

President Biden pardons his son Hunter Biden

By Marshall Cohen, CNN

Published 7:32 PM EST, Sun December 1, 2024

WashingtonCNN — 

President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he pardoned his son Hunter Biden, who was convicted earlier this year of federal gun and tax crimes.

This story is breaking and will be updated.

Like nobody saw this coming, here is my shocked face.

31 thoughts on “And There It Is (Breaking News)

  1. Simple solution. He’s also guilty of multiple crimes at the state level. Pedo Joe has no power to pardon for state crimes/convictions.

    • simple. hunter is freaking out bigtime !
      and all of those phone calls to mom saying “get dad to do it”
      or, there a very good chance he said if you don’t. I going to rat you out to everyone !
      just wait until Jan 22 and then get every DA in the red states to go after their asses ! God knows they have tons of shit to charge his ass with just off his fucking laptop !
      add in bank records and NSA taps ? yeah. if they want to ,they can hang them by their balls. or maybe better yet. pull the SS protection away and let them spin in the wind.

    • Maybe pedo joey lacks confidence he will be alive (and/or still holding office) until then. The former is a possibility just because of his age and condition. The latter seems unlikely to happen unless he dies, but hell, I guess anything is possible on this screwed up timeline.

        • They are going to use the 25th Amendment to get him out because of the Russian missile/WW3 thing (not to mention getting the first female Pres) and he needed to get this done.

          • Get him out before January 20?
            Congress can’t even decide when to go to lunch in that amount of time.
            That’s not even considering the RINOs voting to keep him in.

    • Because he’s got a long list of pedos to pardon between now and January 20th.
      Trump should pardon the Jan 6th people as his first official act, while standing at the podium after the swearing in.

  2. It just occurred to me that this means he’ll forever be guilty of those federal crimes. Nothing he can say will ever trump ‘being pardoned by daddy.’
    And, of course, he can posess a gun again.

  3. You don’t think he we’ll be less law abiding now? I think he will keep on being a criminal addict till he bottoms out. So plenty of time to get him on future crimes.

    • If he hits bottom, maybe he ends up dead of an OD, or shot if the face by some dealer or hooker he got into an altercation with. That’d be real justice, and an outcome I could live with (after having a solid laugh over it).

      Just please let it happen while pedo joey is still alive. I really want to see that evil old sack of shit truly broken, and I figure that’d do it. Yeah, I can be a mean spirited sumbitch, when somebody deserves it

      • yeah. that would do it. you forgot dumb fuck getting a “hot shot” and OD in some dive or hotel
        but what would really wreck him is to have his family brought up on RICO charges for all of his (Joe’s) grift.
        I mean strip them of every illegal dime.
        Joe has always been a mean stupid shit and there is no one else to blame for the mess they in.
        and NO. I don’t feel sorry for any of them either.
        anyone else would have been in prison years ago.

  4. The statement his brain trust put out says it was a political prosecution so he’s right to pardon his crack head son.
    Whatever the Dems accuse others of doing is what they’re doing.
    He who smelt it, dealt it.

  5. Just trying to remember my History classes. Did Robespierre give a whit about who Louis XVI pardoned? Didn’t think so.

  6. I had to laugh when I read Hunter’s statement. He wailed about being “sober” and had “turned his life around”. This while several ounces of cocaine were found in one of the White House public rooms after he’d been there for the weekend.

    I guess one can do coke while still claiming sobriety because, you know, coke isn’t addictive. It smooths out those bumpy highs and lows one experiences while trying get/stay “sober”.

    It was probably one of the Secret Service agent’s personal stash. Yah that’s it.

  7. I was going to put a beer on the line that the pardon would happen the day after the election. I would have been out a beer.

  8. “SHOW ME YOUR SHOCKED FACE, RECRUIT!!” It was happening after the election. Everyone with half a brain knew it would.

    Not only does the pardon protect Hunter, but it also protects the entire Biden clan. Hunter is the weak link in the Biden pay-for-play crime family. By making sure he can’t be leveraged to turn “states evidence” to protect himself and taking him off the chessboard, Joe has safeguarded the entire family.

  9. You know since ge has been pardoned he can no longer plead the 5th if asked a question about joetato in a court of law.

  10. Just pour a little salt in the wound, FJB and FHB. Two of the biggest criminals to ever abide at 1600 Penn. Ave.

    Both of them should have been locked up so deep they’d have to pipe them light a long time ago.

    My only hope for justice with these two is seeing them convicted of treason for taking money from the Chinese for all these long years and most of the members of Bribem’s family convicted right along with them. Pam Bondi and Cash Patel have their work cut out for them. Gotta wonder how many bags of cash Bribem came back from Peru with a week or so ago.

    On another note here’s clip of Demonrats back in Trump’s first term that’s gonna now haunt them until their dieing day and maybe forever. The stake that was driven through Demonrat’s hearts on November 5th 2024 has just been added to. Any Republican running for office in the future should only have to play this clip on loop as their campaign add. That’s a little less than 2.5 minutes running three times. ‘Course the Demonrat’s are going to cry “foul” like the bunch of little bitches they are. Sucks to be them. What goes around comes around.

    F*ck them and the horse they rode in on. Oh, this is going to be glorious.

  11. I said they’d never charge him, and I was wrong.

    Then I said he’d never get convicted, and I was wrong about that, too.

    Then I said Daddy would pardon his little boy, and I take no pleasure in being right for once.

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