30 thoughts on “And then one day you find, ten years have got behind you

  1. Walked away & couldn’t find it again?
    Damn, Alzheimer’s is terrible.
    Seriously, congratulations. Too many folks need to and don’t have the resolve. If you saw that it was best, and followed through, my cover’s off to you.

  2. Congratulations! That’s a tough one, but you did it. And think of how much money you saved for more important things. 😉

  3. April 1st was 26 years for me.
    I was a fifth a day bourbon drinker.
    Got locked in the boobie hatch in the military and been sober since.
    Has not been easy- but easier to deal with problems without the fog…

      • It truly is One Day at a Time. Getting on to 12,000 of them for me. Congrats Phil. And the Pink Floyd reference is one of their best tunes.

  4. I am proud of all who have been sober. I was a Dual Diagnoses Psych Nurse and Behavioral Therapist (Drug/Alcohol, Mental Illness) for many years and treated people that had to quit(court order) or wanted to quit and it is a hard road to take. You have to face that every minute and day of the rest of your life. My Hat is off to you!

  5. I’ve done most things at one time or another. I’m just not susceptible to addictions I suppose.

    I did drink a lot starting at 15. One day I just stopped. Never looked back.

    Good deal Phil. Time better spent and a lot cheaper !

  6. well done !! I stopped because of pain meds, can’t do both the doc said, so,,,
    anyway, still keep some beer in the fridge, have 1 or 2 with friends maybe once every month or two. have some Irish stashed in case of bad times, like 2 fifths
    if I have a drink, I skip the pain meds that nite and wake up feeling like shit.
    no booze wise- back pain.
    and I used to drink like a fish too in the old days.
    so, now you spend your money on tools and toys !!!
    take care of your ass now.

  7. No one told you when to run – you missed the starting gun…

    69 years sober. Oh, wait…

  8. Congratulations Phil, keep counting the days. One day at a time, the days add up. March 3,2022 made 30 years sober for me. If someone told me I could do that years ago, I would not have believed them. I toast you with coffee my friend.

    Lloyd in North Carolina.

  9. A word of caution brother. Your relationship with that whiskey has not changed one bit. Its still just sitting in the corner and rattling its tail. Don’t party with it in your head and you won’t find yourself partying with it in your hand. Be well. (Hey, we gotta look out for each other as best we can. This is my way.)

  10. Ten years! Hope I can make it that far. I quit 4 years ago and life has been better. People pay me cash now to fix their cars and not beer or liquor. Had to join AA, couldn’t do it on my own.

  11. Congratulations Phil! One day at a time. Last Oct. 20 was 41 years for me. Still amazed I’m alive.
    Keep it up.

  12. @NCmike, whatever it takes, it’s worth it. 13 years, 5 months and a couple dozen days…. *


    *(I don’t normally keep that close a count, but I can count the time when I want to.)

  13. Good on ya. I started getting allergic to the stuff a long time ago, myself. I quit because I was threatening to break out in handcuffs…

  14. Started drinking some time around 13. Quit once between 21 and 24. Fought back and forth until my 40s.
    Sober now since 2011.

    No one said it was easy. The hardest part was getting rid of certain “friends.”

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