And The Wife Gets Mad When You Do It

I’ve heard “You Didn’t Need To Do That” a thousand freakin’ times.

My Old Man used to call it “Piddle Fartin’ Around”.

Stupid shit like oiling all the wood handles on your gardening tools once every year, you guys know what I’m talking about.

18 thoughts on “And The Wife Gets Mad When You Do It

  1. Oiling the garden tool handles keeps them from weathering into splintery messes.

    Hopefully the Master Class Putterer would clean, dry and oil the metal parts too.

  2. There was a cartoon of an Aussie digger, a light horseman just back off the line, sitting in the dirt amongst his tack, cleaning his rifle …a dapper English subaltern struts up and says “This harness is filthy, have you no soap?!?”. The digger says “no”. The POHMy, incensed at this impertinence, says “No, ‘what'” (expecting a genuflecting “sir”). The digger answers “no soap”.

    Focus on the important, the rest is arsedust…

    • That is why I keep my welding shop going after I retired from farming. It gives me a reason to stay out of the house, putter around and make things. And occasionally to buy something new for the shop I really don’t need but the wife doesn’t know about.

  3. Women putter, too; don’t let them BS you.  Dusting the top of picture frames anyone or all the knickknacks, or rearranging a closet or dresser drawers.

  4. My Dad called it “Piddle Fartin’ Around” too LOL
    And if we got off task he would tell us to quit “Monkey Fartin” Around”

  5. Why are we so vilified for doin shit that no on else will do or even think of?

  6. Thank God, I never hear that. My lady doesn’t say stupid shit like that. I found one of the few sensible ones.

  7. I was a helper on a cable-tool water well drilling rig in early 70’s in Central California’s San Joaquin Valley. Summer was dry hammer handle season, and Linseed Oil diluted a bit with turpentine was the better approach than dipping the hammer head into a water bucket. I keep a baby food jar ready for touch-ups.

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