11 thoughts on “And reading all your comments. I am aghast at what I read.

  1. Santa was sent over the edge by the suggestion of pineapple on pizza. He’s gonna give all those in favor a lump of coal.

  2. It’s always good to have your talents and accomplishments recognized..

    Merry Christmas to all….

  3. Insanity is contagious and you’re just doing your best to spread it thickly.

    Thank you

    Evil Franklin

  4. I was pleased to hear of your recovery and pray for your continued and improved health. I also wanted to thank your for your integrity.

    Today I erased all sites which use google KGB blogspots. I know we have lost some friends. And I will miss some of the wit, like The Irishman, Lady Lake , Timewaster and Vern’s but I cannot tolerate or support their lack of common sense any longer. I refuse to allow and block all google services and cookies in every way possible. If it is not possible, I refuse to continue.

    After my recent bout with comcast I am eliminating email connections (I have been considering dumping email for a while). I won’t know until I finish if you will receive this but maybe you will see it’s loss in your blog logs. Thanks again from a principled and supporting member of all things good for America and wanted to share my appreciation of your efforts.

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