13 thoughts on “And People Think I’m Crazy….

        • Johno, you wade right in don’t you.
          You know that for every piece of evidence he/she/it could produce there’s evidence to show it was faked. I’m starting to worry when it seems that we agree on something. I’m signing off now and getting into my bunker. There’s going to a meteor or space junk that has to be hitting close by here shortly.

      • You have offered such a compelling argument that I’ve changed my mind. Thank you for showing me the error of my thinking .

        You’re a tool.

        • You’re a fool, easily hoowinked.
          Or you’re a masterful troll.
          Either way, easily ignored.

  1. Well, I think this 1 wandered off the reservation. I can potentially buy that oil is made from… Is it some bacteria? I think we’d have found some by now, so that credibility is low. Lizards, though? We need a bit more evidence.

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