4 thoughts on “And falling, don’t forget falling….

  1. My younger Brother, who is 63, was just this last weekend, was involved in a vintage motocross race crash where somebody died. I walked away from my KLR650 daily driver three years ago. Even if you do have all the gear, getting bruised up takes a lot longer to go away.

  2. The real test is whether you can put on your underwear AND your pants, not shorts, one leg at a time while standing withpout falling over, IMHO. I had a “mild” stroke six years ago. It slightly affected my peripheral vision.

    The Pri Care Doc. set me up with a neurologist to evaluate my condition. He asked me if I had any falls before or after the stroke. I replied that I could still put my pants on one leg at a time while standing since the stroke and only fell when skiing before the stroke. I think he thought I was being a smart ass.

  3. Well, I’m 70 before too terribly long, and I *can* still put under- and over-wear on without losing my balance. The problem is when I have to walk. Bad knees, ankles, feet. Not into running, obviously. Too fat to move fast, too.
    At least I can still fix things. Right now I’m painting my motor home, a lot of work and breathing of vile chemicals…

  4. yea, at times it can be a problem. broken back and knees that have been ripped to shit will do that. had a sort of active life until everything went south.
    now , I do things a lot slower. pushing 70 myself these days and it feels like it too.
    did skiing in the alps back in the 1970’s with SAM, did even more running too.
    went thru a couple of mountain warfare schools and paid the price for that as well.
    anyway, I can still put my pants on one leg at a time.
    going to fix my old mountain bike up as I thinking gas will go thru the roof after the election. it needs tires and tubes I thinking and maybe a basket or rack on the back. thinking about making some fenders as well, they want way too much money for them (?) also need to find out about putting starters on my gas powered items. after 3-4 pulls, my back says are you fucking crazy !
    and if it gets too bad, try putting your pants on sitting down and then standing up. did that for a while after they worked on my back.

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