I figured I would share this on the chance maybe one person who swings by here has never heard of this.
It does work, grease does the same thing but it’s messy.
This is no shit, I actually used Margarine one time to pull the pilot bushing out of the engine that is in the Sprite right now using this technique.
I have always used grease and brake cleaner to clean up the mess.
I have learned something today. I pulled a bunch of pilot bearings out of Army deuce-and-a-halfs with grease and a 3/4 inch drift punch, but I never heard of using bread.
I’ve used it to get pilot bearings out of the crank.
I use grease ans an input shaft from my toolbox of used, cut off input shafts.
I use greasy rags and a close fitting punch in a pinch.
Wow, I just learned a new trick! Pretty slick, that – simple physics. Cheap!
In your case you can’t put peanut butter with it either, just the bread Igor…