19 thoughts on “Among us?

  1. Who remembers (besides me!) having to push one of these around to mow the lawn?

    Dad kept it well sharpened AND lubricated!

  2. I would ride my bike to my grandparents house and cut their yard with one. Got paid $5.00 and a 7up and ice cream float.

  3. I do remember and in fact still have one of those rotary cutters, purchased from Sears in 1996. All metal though, not a wood handled shaft as pictured.

  4. The sound of what; the mower or the groans associated with me PUSHING IT???

    …That thing looks positively LIGHT compared to the one I used!

  5. That’s what I use on my lawn. Oldest is 7 this year, bit too scrawny, but he gamely works at it for his 4 quarters.

  6. still have one in the shed. metal handle though. bought it for 5 bucks at a flea market at the end of the day. they where asking 25 for it and no takers.
    I think I used it 2 or 3 times before moving here (no grass, leaves and trees)
    thought of making a chute for it and putting a motor on it for doing leaves though.
    swapped a box of 9mm hollow points (50) for a gas mower 2 years ago.
    I use it on the leaves as it faster than raking them. btw, the gas mower runs great and starts on the first pull now after fixing a few things. anything that takes 3 or more pulls to get started, DOESN’T. fuck that shit as by then my back is screaming at me.

  7. Not only did my Dad make me use one till I was 10, I also had to sharpen it. I have no fond memories of that machine.

  8. We didn’t get a power mower ’til I was about fifteen. I hated the work for one thing but it didn’t cut anything more than about four inches high. Then you had to either swing blade them or get down and clip them one by one. Now, I don’t even mind riding the John Deere.

  9. It’s all fuking fun and games till the stick gets lodged in the reel and you either got a nut full of handle or gut punched. Oh yeah, good times!

    • But damn if they didn’t make that St. Augustine grass look like carpet afterwards.

  10. Remembers the sound? Heck I had to push one of those weekly between ages 10 and 15 at which point dad bought an actual gas whirly blade mower that also had to be pushed, but was MUCH easier on the legs and arms.

    For a 10 by 10 ft lawn, they are fine, we had about half an acre.

    • We did ours (20X40) and the neighbors (25X35 with two pine trees), it was doable by the 12-year-old me. I was a scrawny little runt that really had to work at it!

  11. Hey Deathray, that Tank sheila Stacey Abrams been by up there to aid in your recovery yet? I may have accidentally informed her that you were getting plenty of attention from the nursies. I must say, your girlfriend is quite a woman, from any angle, but especially when she hits a bit of ice on the footpath she hadn’t noticed. Why in the name of humanity would you insist that she not wear any knickers? Even though she’d need suspenders to keep them on, at least the flies would not be so busy. Lucky too that people didn’t start using her as an ice bucket for their drinks.

  12. My cousin hooked an electric motor to one of those. The first time he plugged it in, it ran away across the yard. The second time he plugged it in he had removed the gears between the wheels and the blades. It threw so much grass and dirt that he had to put a shield on the back so his brother could use it.

  13. Thats a bad dream. Had a powered one as an adult. Yard so soft you had to go barefoot. First mow of last season using, freshly sharpened which is hard to find someone to do it, hit a rock, ping parked it and sold it.

  14. I’m in the club. Started when I was about ten, I think. Barely tall enough that my head was above the push handle, as I recall. Anyone else, besides me, run over a fresh pile of dog poop carefully secreted in the grass?

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