9 thoughts on “Amen! Be a dirty fighter and nothing is out of bounds…

  1. as a former grunt, a “fair” fight is one where I win. besides growing up back in philly, there was only winning or rather being able to walk away afterwards.
    rules are best left to clowns that fight in a ring.
    when it comes to fighting. there are no rules only alive or not
    I never fought “fair” in my life and have no plans to start any time soon.

  2. Us old guys know we’re too old and out shape to get invoolved in a fight; at least compared to say someone in their twenties, thirties or forties, unless the other guy has his back turned and we can bash him with a rock or a club of some kind or maybe stab him at the base of his skull with your EDC blade. That’s why a lot of us carry. Rule 2.

  3. If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t tryin’.
    This coming from a dude who last year was a 57 year old bouncer at the biggest nightclub in Pensacola.
    I DO miss thumping those heads and coming within inches of breaking arms and ankles…on both men AND women.
    I never said I wasn’t sadistic…

    • That’s what I like about you.
      That and your taste in music..

      • Lucky for society we live on opposite sides of the country. A single county wouldn’t be able to handle us both…the Two crazy-ass, foul mouth metalhead fuckers with the long white goatees. RUN FOR THE HILLS!

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