Always Will

I don’t know about anybody else but I miss the days when cars had style.

I also miss the sound of the exhaust on a finely tuned V8 engine.

When I was younger, I could tell the difference between a Ford, Dodge and Chevy V8 going by with my eyes closed.

Now everything is a hideous face on a rolling soap bubble and I can’t even hear the engines running, if they even have one. I have noticed that all of these electric and hybrid fuckers make a ringing sound when they back up.

That’s why I really appreciate one of these when I see them now.

7 thoughts on “Always Will

  1. You are so right
    I miss the the old land yacht , duce and a quarter, some were some damn big I thought the needed running lights
    Those were real cars guys could take apart screw up and spend time trying to put it back together

  2. I completely agree.

    Vehicles these days look like something a sick demon would 5hit out.

    No more engine music either, only noise they make is when they plow into something while the operator gets lost in manipulating all the goodies and screen within.

    Not worth having but gotta haves, God help us….

  3. Miss those days, hang out with friends, no texting each other across the table instead of actually talking, sharing a cold beer down by the lake after doing burn outs in my old rusty 57 Chevy that would fill the car full of tire smoke from the wheel wells, yeah those days when a young man still had dreams and are now only left with what if’s.

  4. 1975 Pontiac Grand Ville. 455 convertible. As a freshly licenced 16 year old, my father would have died if he knew what my little brother and I were doing.
    The 610 loop in Houston was new. My little brother in the passenger seat with binoculars looking ahead at every overpass for cops, me behind the wheel.

    Smooth flying we were.

  5. I would like to see some actual colors on cars again. I’m tired of gray, grey, white, black, and different shades of the above.

  6. Back in early 70s my father talked me down from a Corvette to a Monte Carlo to a Chevelle Malibu 307 V8 two door, stock black interior but deep metal flake blue. Probably would have gotten killed in the faster cars, but drove that Malibu over 300K before having engine changed out to a 350V8…still a good car until the seats fell apart and my back went out…everyone has memories of your favorite rides – that is mine….redclay

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