12 thoughts on “Also Known As A Tipping Point

  1. No disrespect intended, but we were less than an inch away from that on Saturday.

      • Especially if you’ve seen the computer generated view of the head turn and tilt at the EXACT time it “needed” to be done as the bullet passed by, I can’t think of any other explination.
        You’ll get no argument from me.

      • Skeeter do you really care at all?

        Just spitting out words, when every F***ing day folks get killed by random bullets, car accident and so on.

        I’ll take your bug thoughts when you show concern for non famous folks who get smurfed every day get some “God” words from you.

        Bugger off.

  2. The point of my post is that things are fractured and uncertain enough among the Left that they can’t count of the loyalty of the rank and file. They may want to steal the election, but it’s doubtful that they think they can count on the people they would need to do it. The risk of someone ratting them out anonymously is too high.

    There are a million examples of this in history – I used the example of Romania, where the government lost the loyalty of the rank and file and ended up against the wall. Romania is by no means the only example of this dynamic.

    Your mileage may vary, void where prohibited, do not remove tag under penalty of law.

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